Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Coffee, Tacos and Jellybeans…oh my

A Breakfast of Champions Vonnegut would be proud of (and yes, I have read Vonnegut). I fill this space this morning not with a lame headline, or a lame joke about the Inferno II, but rather with pure hatred for one Peter G. Angelos. I like to watch sports on TV, and I like the fact DC now has a baseball team. It would follow then that I would like to watch DC’s new baseball team on TV. Oh no, that would be waaaaay too easy. It’s less than a week ‘til the Nats open against the Phils, and there is no TV deal in place. The Asbestos King 40 miles North of Chocolate City has decided he is holding all the cards and pulling all the strings when it comes to the Washington Nationals TV deal. To this I say: WHAT???? Yes, MLB, I realize the steroids issue is a big deal, but could we take a brief moment to lay the smackdown on Angelos please. He already threw a tantrum and got his way when DC was given a team (he will get $365 million minimum from the deal); I think it’s time you pulled the plug on this egomaniac (and terrible owner). The Washington Post and the Washington Times (always the better choice) have two articles today detailing the Angelos/TV fiasco. The Times article says these “negotiations” have been going on for 6 months, to no avail. I hate that man so very very much (and I know I am not alone).


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Now this is more like it…

    Today we do the Dance of Joy, because VH1 has announced a 5th Season for “The Surreal Life”, and this is one helluva lineup:
    *Best-selling author Jose Canseco
    *Sandi Denton, aka, Pepa of Salt-n-Pepa
    *Serge, aka, Bronson Pinchot
    *That bitch Omarosa
    *The world's first supermodel Janice Dickinson
    *British model Caprice
    *Mr. Pink (no not that one), Carey Hart

  3. I think you mean "Corey" Hart.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. No donkey. Not "I wear my sunglasses at night" Corey Hart. Motorcross star and husband of Pink Carey Hart.

  6. Oh. Ok. Fine.

    And you didn't have to be a dick about it. That hurt.

  7. Ok...let's hug this out bitch.

  8. Best Johnnie C thing I've heard:
    "If no pulse is found, then he must be put in the ground"
