Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Just a tremendous night of television last night, sports mixed with entertainment mixed with sports entertainment. Let me recap:
- Syracuse is now 20-1 after a thrilling comeback against Rutgers, mainly revolving around Rutgers having never seen a press in their lives. Good to see Jerry is also a fan of the 6'10" Jughead kid.
- The Washington Wizards won again last night, matching last year's win total, after just 40 games. You'll get a better write up here than in the Post (man, the Wheelhouse was busy this morning). Whitney, you are gonna lose this bet bad.
- Not only was bedlam occurring on the court between Oklahoma and Oklahoma State, bedlam was raging on Monday Night Raw. I haven't tuned to alot of wrestling lately, but it's sure good to know Ric Flair is still limping into the ring. How old is that guy?
- A classic South Park was also on last night, the rain forest "Getting Gay With Kids" choir episode. Cartman at his finest.
- If you haven't turned to the trainwreck that is VH1's Celebreality shows, you really should at least rubberneck for a few minutes on any one of the 3 - Surreal Life 4, Celebrity Fit Club, or Strange Love. I haven't yet decided which show signals the end of the world, but it's definitely one of them.

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