Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Did He Just Say "Making Fuck"?

His eyes welling with tears, Sacramento Fire Chief Julius "Joe" Cherry vowed Tuesday to return his scandal-ridden department to respectability even as Mayor Heather Fargo and two City Council members said that four firefighters should be fired if sex allegations against them are true.
Cherry revealed Monday that he had launched an investigation into charges that the four firefighters - three men and a woman - had engaged in group sex in their Hollywood Park station house.
Cherry announced that the four firefighters - a male captain, two male firefighters and a female firefighter - have been suspended for allegedly participating in three instances of consensual sexual encounters with each other while on duty at Station 12 in Hollywood Park. Three of the firefighters are married.

My love for you is like a (fire) truck, BERZERKER! Would you like some making fuck, BERZERKER!


  1. Let me beat Jerry to the punch:
    Step 1: Scan newspapers for lowest common denominator fluff story.
    Step 2:
    Step 3: Profit.

  2. It is almost as if you can run this whole operation all by yourself. You make the post. You mock the post. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

  3. Did you get this from the Hot Morning Mess or Diane's Dirt of the Day?

  4. The internet is a wonderful place, I don't even need to sit through TeaPot Tim bits to get this wonderfully useful info. By the way, I'm very dissappointed in you - where the hell is the Clay Henry joke?
