Thursday, November 04, 2004

T.O., Baby!

Terrell Owens played the double murder card on Ray Lewis yesterday in the wake of the Ravens' linebackers complaints about Owens' Lewis-mocking end zone dance on Sunday. To which I say, about goddamn time. The NFL's glorification of Lewis annoys me to no end, with their celebration of his faux-warrior mentality and his over the top dogs-in-the-house, look-at-me-I'm-colorful persona. Let's be very clear here: Ray Lewis was - at the very least - involved in a senseless double murder. Maybe he didn't actually shove the knife into the victims, but he was there, and he knew who killed them, and he covered it up...until he rolled over to protect himself. Like a little bitch. Good for you, T.O.


  1. This from the man with the O.J. Simspon (sic) jersey. Nice.

  2. Hey-

    Came across your blog today. Great stuff. Good catch on felons donating to Bush.

    Noticed you were a sports fan. Hoping you could add a Blogroll link to my "College Basketball Blog," I'd very much appreciate a link on your site.

    And would gladly return the favor, adding you to my blogroll.


    Yoni Cohen,
    College Basketball Blog

  3. Chevy, you donkey - take a look who wrote it.
