Friday, November 05, 2004

Bring him home Sandy, Bring him home...

Poor Whitney's head is going to explode, as I am sure there will be much to read about the O.C. today. I will leave the analysis to the internet's resident TV addict, Michael Jack, over on Hot Action (or, if he continues to be lazy, the boys at the Wheelhouse). Needless to say, the O.C. is back, and I am happily along for the ride. Whit, it'll be my pleasure to discuss the plot intricacies with you over a few Coors Light. I hear the Silver Bullet is "The Coldest Tasting Beer in the World."

In other Thursday night news, I'm really sick of watching these boring Louisville games. How about a little something for the effort fellas?


  1. Quick hits from last night's viewing of the OC and North Shore:

    1) The mom looks to have lost some wieght in the offseason. She didn't have any to lose.

    2) Topless construction workers? SO over the top and ridiculous.

    3) 85% sure that Marissa got a boob job. Summer used to have a better rack than her. No longer.

    4) What are the odds that Seth tries to make out w/ Ryan this season? his dependency on another man is rather disturbing.

    5)I really don't like Teresa. Not sure exactly what from. She was starting to seem like a wet blanket, preventing Ryan from having fun in the OC and exploring Marissa's new breasts.

    6) They need to introduce a new hot girl at their high school. I think that America is ready to drool over another teenage girl.

    7) North Shore has some terrible writing. Some of Shannon Doherty's lines were laugh out loud terrible. "I'm a successful business woman." IT sounded like bad porn writing. I was reminded of the scene in Boogie Nights where Marky Mark does his first porno and the chick behind the desk saying her lines.

    8) The pilot from Iron Eagle was on North Shore last night. This guy's career has gone nowhere.

    9) MJ is clearly the hottest girl of the main characters. Question: Tessa or Nicole? I vote Tessa. Something about Brook Burn's facial features. Seem a little too sharp.

  2. Now that's what I'm looking for.

  3. The time I took to read MJ's comment was possibly the gayest 30 seconds of my life.

  4. Rob -- According to a few Sigma Chis in college, that's not really accurate, now, is it?

  5. As gay as your topless Days of Our Lives parties in college?
