Monday, October 17, 2022

Show and Tell: #skobuffs

Fallow lie the fields of the Gheorghian imagination as summer's warmth fades to autumn's colorful crisp. Fret not, friends, for I have a pictorial show and tell from my long weekend in Boulder, where my wife and I visited our kid for Family Weekend at the University of Colorado.

As you've heard tell here before, Boulder is a beautiful place, and I'd be fibbing if I told you I wasn't just a tinge jealous of my daughter's home for the next four years. And in the case of this weekend, the scenery was matched by perfect October weather, a vibrant atmosphere, and even a victory for the heretofore winless Buffs football squadron. 

In no particular order:

My kid is the blond one smack in the middle of the frame.

These first three are various views of Folsom Field. If there's a prettier setting for a college football game, I haven't been there. And despite Colorado's 0-5 record (which was deceptively good), the Family Weekend crowd showed out.

After CU won in overtime, 20-13, a righteous field-storming ensued.

We hiked Eldorado Canyon on Sunday morning. Pretty, pretty cool.

Here we are at about 7,100 feet above sea level. Behind us, you can see the Continental Divide (if you know what you're looking for, and I most certainly did not). Apparently I do not know what to do with my right arm when I am photographed.

The kid took us to Lost Gulch Overlook to see the sunset last night. I hid my right arm because I became self-aware.

This is from the same Alumni Tailgate you can see in the video above. In the background through the trees you can catch a glimpse of my daughter's dorm, which isn't more than 200 yards from Folsom Field. Decent setup, if you're into such things.

And above all, my favorite memory of the weekend is this: she's really happy where she's landed.


  1. One of those photos has a lady in the background snapping a shot of rob's tush.

  2. wow! awesome photos. whitney hit a wiffleball off the continental divide (lucky for us, some very dumb high school kids retrieved it)

  3. very cool Rob! and i am jealous of you my friend. happy for the kidlet and the Russell clan.

    btw d.c./va crew...heading your way tomorrow, heading out friday at 5ish...perhaps a beer could be had at some point. this is a work trip - not heading out to winc.

  4. Speaking of ladies liking GTB tushes, my last time in New Orleans, I was walking around and came upon a middle aged woman who was stumbling along behind an embarrassed 20-something daughter.

    Being the helpful type, I offered her and arm to steady her on the way to her car. She complemented me on being a gentleman and asked me how old I was. I told her, and then she pinched my ass and said "not bad for 42". I was glad to stuff her in her car before she tried to escalate things any further.

  5. Dave, you're right, but then you pitched it again and I hit it over the edge into the crevasse and out of range of those maniacs. Fun times at 14,000'.

    Rob, kudos on R's enjoyment of her college experience thus far. I never take that for granted. Especially as I know a number of people who transferred into or more likely out of our college. And friends whose kids do not like where they have enrolled.

  6. Primo photo gallery, Rob. Happy offspring are indeed a blessing.

  7. Brenton Mac Woo sighting on the cover of the new W&M magazine in my mailbox today!

  8. I’d really like to see the San Diego Padres who hit 4 HRs against the Mets. This is pathetic.
