Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Science is Art is Awesome

Nikon holds an annual photography competition focused on the micro world around us. The winner of the 2022 Photomicrography contest was this cool view of the embryonic hand of a Madagascar giant day gecko by Grigorii Timin and Dr. Michel Milinkovitch from the University of Geneva.

But the viral star of the show didn't even make the top 20.  Lithuanian wildlife photographer Dr. Eugenijus Kavaliauskas captured this amazing shot of the grill of a carpenter ant magnified 5x:

Some folks find it scary. I think it's fucking badass, a focused machine hell-bent on fulfilling its mission, a little ball of intention. As the photographer himself said, “there are no horrors in nature.”


  1. I wouldn't want to see that face staring back at me in a dark alley.

  2. got my 3rd booster a couple weeks ago. about six hours later, achiness and lethargy started to set in. was sub-standard for about 36 hours. but given rise in cases overseas and what's forecast as coming winter spike here, i'll take it.

  3. my wife is down for the count because of this new booster-- fever, aches, headache, etc. yuck.

    that antface is bullshit-- that had to have been drawn by an artsy teenager and slipped into that guy's microscope.

  4. i was boosted 5 hours ago. fingers crossed.

  5. We’re rooting for you. Hope you make it up to that barstool, buddy.

  6. Just catching up with your news Rob and it sounds like you're making a lovely batch of lemonade from those work lemons. Looking forward to more posts from you since you have more time to pontificate.
