Sunday, October 23, 2022

Looks Like I Picked the Wrong Day to Stop Drinking

My wife and I spent the end of last week in Colorado, which wrapped up four consecutive weekender road trips for us, all of which were heavy on the eating and drinking. My body was a tired wreck when we got home last Monday. I had planned to kick off a cleanse of sorts - not fully cold turkey, but cutting way back on the stuff that's bad for me.

Life had other plans.

I got a text from my boss asking if I could join him on a call at 6:30 ET. Since he was on the West Coast, I didn't think much of it. But when I joined the call and saw that one of our HR team members was on, as well, I thought much more of it. We're in the midst of a fairly significant expense reduction effort. In fact, I was about to have to lay off about 15 people in the name of cutting costs, something I dreaded.

Instead, my name made the list of cost-driven casualties, and my position is being eliminated. Effective November 7, I'll be unemployed for the first time since I was in graduate school in 1998. And I needed a few drinks to help me process that reality.

Ironically, I had a conversation with my boss about six weeks ago in which I told him that he had toomany vice presidents in the business unit I lead (for now). When he informed me that I was surplus to requirements, he reminded me of that analysis and thanked me for the advice. Which wasn't exactly what I had in mind when we had that discussion.

Let me pause the narrative here to make something clear. While I wouldn't necessarily have chosen this turn of events, I am not upset about it. It's been a hard goddamn three years, and I am well and truly worn out. The stress of leading a team through the pandemic and of significant organizational change earlier this year lay heavy on me, and I don't think I've been at my best over the past few months. And not for nothing, the severance package I'll receive ensures that I don't have to work for a year if I don't want to.
I spent much of the past week fielding calls and messages from colleagues. It's been a bit of a Tom Sawyer moment, like observing my own funeral. People that matter to me have been shocked and saddened, and said some extraordinarily moving and kind things. One of my folks told me, "You're going out loved and admired rather than hated and feared. Nobody ever remembers the people that leave as the latter."

While the past three years have admittedly been hard, I've also learned a great deal about myself. I think I've shown up as an authentic leader who is capable of building and maintaining a really strong collaborative and caring culture. I've led a business that grew more than 230% since 2018 (that's so going on my resume). I've helped other people grow their careers and find roles that they didn't think they were capable of getting. I've got a lot to be proud of, and I'll carry that with me.

I don't have any real idea what's next for me, other than the fact that I'm doing fuck all in November. I haven't decided if I'm going to work on my fitness or go full-on Avengers: Endgame Thor. Likely the former. I wrote a children's book a few years ago, so I'll probably try to polish that up and see if I can trick someone into publishing it. Definitely gonna watch every minute I can of the World Cup. My dog and I are about to log some serious hiking miles.

And I'm going to spend a good deal of time reconnecting with people that matter to me, and thinking hard about how to prioritize what matters in my next professional chapter. I've come to understand that I'm happiest at work when I'm building something and not so much when I'm managing something. So I'll look for a place I can be integral to the growth of the joint.

But I also know that I'll find other ways to spend my time, at least for a while. There obviously a good bit of uncertainty in my life all of a sudden, and I'm sure I'll deal with low-level tension because of that, but I'm in a good place. Don't cry for me, Gheorghentina.

Thanks for listening, friends. I guess this means you'll expect me to post stuff more frequently.


  1. My initial response was, "oh no, that's awful, so sorry" but upon completion Rob I say,"congrats!". Ok, maybe you need some more time before that becomes more appropriate, but I have a hunch this is going to end up being one of the best thingz that ever happened to you. I am sort of jealous, if not full on.

  2. Sounds like a sabbatical of sorts, where you spend more time creating GTB content.

    Good luck planning what's next!

  3. I have few people in my life who I have more confidence in their next chapter than I have for Rob. Enjoy the shit out of November. And maybe, make a trip to Florida. It’s beautiful down here this time of year.

  4. My usual Sunday routine is to get up and immediately go to the gym for a good workout. Since the kid was out, decided to get up and relax on the back porch with a couple Irish coffees. Not a terrible way to spend a fall Sunday

  5. I had the same successive reactions as Danimal. And the same positively encouraging thought as Mark. Excited to be ringside to follow Rob’s adventures.

  6. Happy National Tight End Day, everyone

  7. wow! sorry to hear the news but you seem to be taking it really well. good luck, i'm sure you'll land on your little feet.

    and there are some very tough elements to writing a children's book. apparently the hardest thing of all is similar to taking up rollerblading ...

  8. my parents already know. so i'm past the highest hurdle.

  9. It’s a joke that keeps on giving

  10. Hey Rob — sounds like you’re going to get to enjoy November and maybe longer into new year. And you’re leaving well. Can’t ask for more than that. Hope whatever is next combines all the right amounts of adventure, fun, family, friends, good food/drink, and rest!

  11. happy yankee elimination day to those who celebrate.

  12. my kid found out today that she made colorado's starting lineup for cheer nationals. pretty, pretty cool. they call it 'making the mat'.
