Sunday, January 17, 2021


Been compiling stuff for the first Gheorgasbord of the new year, but I feel like this is good enough to get solo billing.

Minneapolis native and Doomtree collective member (and former CEO) Dessa has a new single out, and it's a banger. Both musically and lyrically. 

It's part of a new singles series she's starting. New tracks on the 15th of every month. I'll figure out where the line begins.

Not gonna ruin it with more words. Just enjoy.


  1. The lack of Paul Westerberg is disappointing.

  2. True confession: I have a MyPillow. It’s a good pillow and my sleeping is, to euphemize, quite challenged. What do I do? Honestly, I was thinking about getting another one, but of course now I won’t. Is there an unfascist version of the same pillow?

  3. i think as long as you punch it a few times each night before going to sleep you're good.

  4. I've been using this pillow for a few weeks. It's funny looking and it took 2-3 nights to get used to it but it really helps with neck and shoulder pain.
