Sunday, January 17, 2021

Faith, Hope, and Love Making

Apologies to rob for the double-up, but this is time-sensitive and postcounted. 

To Donna and any other theologically minded gheorghies: I tried. 

I still have a soft spot in my heart for the Episcopal faith. While my actual faith is routinely tested and not very successfully, I still love the notional principles and the general gist of what I believe it’s supposed to mean to us human types. 

My great grandfather was an Episcopal priest (lucky for me they could marry), while my grandfather on the other side of my family went to Yale divinity school in the 1920’s and was a career minister and a devout Christian and great dude til he left us at age 97. It’s in my blood. 

When I was in high school and took one of those “what career you should choose” tests, the top return was Clergy. You probably all figured. 

While I was confirmed in the Episcopal church, my attendance and passion for all things “the cloth” has waned considerably since those days. I still try to drive thoughts of hypocrisy, fallacy, and far-fetchedness from my head when I consider anything religious, and Donna’s writings help, but there are too few Donnas and too many folks who... well, they’re not Jim Jones, but they’re closer to that assclown than they ought to be. 

Also, I’m lazy. I like to snooze away my bachelorrific Sunday mornings. And my ex, a very good Catholic, always took care of the instilling of scripture into my girls’ lives. Well, she and their fantastic Catholic School. I do have my grandfather’s huge Bible that’s well over a century old (pictured below), and I occasionally used to have “Home Church” with my girls. Occasionally. 

Anyway, I still get the emails from my hometown parish. They’ve muddled through like many faith-based organizations during these trying times. And I thought to myself this morning, maybe I’ll tune in! I opened up the liturgy attachment just before the 9am service to see what I would be in for. Bad idea. Here was the second reading, the Epistle from 1 Corinthians. 

Look, I’m on the fringe anyway, good people. I’m divorced, which for Pete’s sake, of all the faiths in the world, the Episcopal faith has to understand. And therefore, I’m considered a fornicator, on those blessed occasions. I’m in a relationship now, so it’s not like I’m cavorting out there like some mad hanky-pankster, but I’m still a sinner for lying down with my woman. And I don’t think anyone in their proper mind can legitimately support me rushing back to the altar for “the charm.” 

Shun fornication! Well, I tried. My dad, the son of a preacher man, returned to active parishioner status two years ago at age 73 after a Moses-like exactly 40 years of abandoning the practice in toto... I’ll make my way out of this desert someday, perhaps.

I did a little digging into the Biblical meaning of fornicating and how it’s regarded, and I landed here, which made me laugh. The Lord works in mysterious ways, and giving this sinner a chuckle on a Sunday morning is a nice wink from the Big Guy or Gal up there. I’ll take that. 


  1. and the greatest of these is love making

  2. Does anyone else see the irony in turning to a website called "Never Thirsty" to define fornication?

  3. I did see that, Z. Very amusing.

  4. SiriusXM online channel 714 is called Indie 1.0 and it is very squarely up my alley, so to speak.

    Here’s the recent playlist:

    “ The first generation of Indie Rock from college radio graduates like Pavement, Joy Division and Pixies to the early cult classics from groundbreaking artists like The Strokes, Arcade Fire and The White Stripes.”

  5. About 90 minutes ago I went to the kitchen to make my first meal of the day. I found my wife trying to dismantle our dishwasher, which has been severely underperforming lately. We took it apart, cleaned all manner of gross stuff out of it, then put it back together. She referred to it as a 'date'. I told her I wasn't sure I was going to ask her out again. I'd have rather been fornicating.

  6. You’re married! It’s not fornication! Come on, Rootsy, get your holy terms down.

  7. The Wall of Sound is silenced. Just as well, it seems. Phil Spector has passed on.

  8. We have a very nice dish washer. We’ve probably used less than a dozen times in 7 years. I’m weird. I hate dishes in the sink and I don’t mind doing dishes. I play some music, I dance a bit and shit gets clean. Shout out to LCD Soundsytem.

    I’m increasingly nervous about the Bucs-Saints game as the day progresses. The Bucs have been so shitty for so long that I’m having a tough time processing this anxiety. I haven’t cared this much since the early Gruden days.

  9. your tribe finished on a 17-3 run to overcome a nine-point deficit and beat drexel, 69-64. nice.

  10. Dagger. Cleveland was about to make this a game.

  11. Looks like Evan Washburn has highlights in the front of his hair.

  12. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that but why the hell are you running the option with Mahomes?!?

  13. My thoughts exactly Mark especially when he’s already been injured in the game FFS!

  14. Fun game. I spent a summer working out of Cleveland Browns Stadium. And the Browns personnel were total dicks. Cleveland is also a fucking dump. Still rooting for the Browns today.

  15. The Bucs are tied for the first sports team I ever rooted for (the other being the St Louis Cardinals). My parents are original season ticket holders and my Dad held on to those tickets long after we moved to the east coast of Florida. I’ve been to dozens of Bucs games. Most of them at the big sombrero watching awful football teams. Save for a brief window with Dungy and early Gruden it’s been a consistently shitty franchise. I’m excited. I’m nervous.

  16. This post is funny, Whit! Especially the link it connects to - ha! Thanks for the chuckle ~
    We were hoping for a Browns win. Oh well. Any guesses on the final score of this second game...I’m thinking lots of offense here

  17. This second game has been fun. Alex Anzalone is a real asshole. He's got a total New Jersey last name. Can't believe he's from Pennsylvania. I kinda like him.

  18. Happy birthday, Zooey Deschanel. I like her a lot.

  19. somebody make sure mark is breathing

  20. I’m here. For now.

    Anzalone went to Florida. He’s a total meathead. I like him too, TR.

  21. Drew Brees looks like he misses Taysom Hill. Tampa is playing amazing D.

  22. Fournette must be exasperating to coaches. Mental focus just not there.

    But a washed-up Brees makes that a moot point.

  23. Brees looks 1,000 years old. Not helping that Cook seems to be gift-wrapping turnovers like it’s still the holiday season, but man. Give credit to Tampa. Every pass is contested. No open receivers anywhere.

  24. Congrats Mark. Don't want to jinx you but TB may be the kryptonite for Green Bay's superior offense and middling defense.

    Brees and Big Ben have been almost exclusively throwing screens and to the flat for most of their respective seasons. I expect both to retire. I'm guessing Rivers will hang around to talk very clean trash and throw some game ending INTs for at least 1 more year.

  25. Tampa finally figured out Brees couldn’t beat them deep and changed their game plan accordingly.

    I’ve not been the biggest fan of Tampa’s GM (Jason Licht) but his recent draft and free agent record has shown up this season.
