Friday, January 08, 2021

Gheorghe Endorses

It's a little bit hard to pivot back to dipshittery at such a fraught moment in our collective history. So we'll take it slow, kinda ease back into it.

As careful readers of this blog know (I'm not aware of any, to be sure, I just like the purple prose), we've got a political mancrush on Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman. The hulking man of the people, no-bullshit, weed-legalizing, hypocrite-mocking, common sense-making Fetterman is having a bit of a moment. And it seems he's looking to strike while the iron's hot:

It's not exactly clear from this tweet by Fetterman's wife Gisele, but the big fella is exploring a run for Senate in Pennsylvania in 2022, when Republican Pat Toomey's seat will be contested. Fetterman has previously been linked to a gubernatorial run, but it seems he's setting his sights higher.

No bullshit here. As we try to regain our footing as a people after being staggered by the past four years of outrageous misconduct and fomenting of the worst of our impulses by national leaders, we need actual truth-tellers and real, capital S public Servants in office. Fetterman strikes me that way. Nobody is perfect, and we do ourselves a disservice if we insist that our leaders are. I'm sure oppo teams will surface things about Fetterman that I won't like. But I do like him.

And so, let it be written in history that the first media outlet to back John Fetterman for Senate is this serious, important, and sage blog. 

You can send the merch to me, and I'll distribute it, Team Fetterman.


  1. I'm all for this guy. Glad we can get out front with our official endorsement.

    In other news, not sure how many of you follow Ian Bremmer or his Eurasia Group, but he put out a good piece on the top geopolitical risks heading into 2021. It was published before the Capital riot, but is still a good read on what lies ahead:


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  2. RIP Tommy Lasorda. Fletch many not have liked you but the Baseball Bunch wizard is ok by me.

  3. i suppose i should've consulted the editorial team before jumping out with the endorsement, but i assumed you'd all approve. fetterman seems pretty gheorghie.

  4. If our political system moves to trial by combat, as suggested Rudolph W.L. Giuliani, I would welcome Fetterman to the Democratic fold. He and Cory Booker might make an intimidating tag-team. Not as scary as Cruz and Hawley, but it would be an interesting bout.

  5. A couple of my band mates once went pretty far down the rabbit hole of imagining a local boxing tournament. They'd imagine bouts between people who were ostensibly friends, but might like to have a good scrap with each other. It's kind of a fun exercise. Jawn and Cory would eat Josh and Ted's lunch.

  6. tiny, want to thank you for the "Week-Ending Moment of Joy" idea. I've recently been elevated at work to a senior management position (as in it started Jan 1) and my team is obviously all of my old colleagues, so I thought I'd parrot your idea to end my first full week at the helm. I went with "Friday Zen" and dropped an Eddie Money "Two tickets to paradise" subject line on them with this NYT link:

  7. first of all, congratulations, my friend. and i'm glad the idea works for you. i get a lot out of it myself.

    and stimulator jones has a groove thang.

  8. here's a story for you.

    my daughter usually has a couple of friends over to do school together on fridays, covid-style. the girls have been doing it long enough now that they just walk into our house. most of the time.

    today, one of the girls rang the doorbell and came in after we waved her in.

    about an hour later, i'm on a call with my boss and a couple of my peers when i start smelling something alarmingly redolent of electrical fire. could not for the life of my figure out what it was, but then heard an odd buzzing from the front hallway. excused myself from the call saying 'i think we might be having an electrical fire'. as one does.

    used my sniffer to trace the smell to the interior door chime (took me a minute to figure out what i was because i'm not all that mechanical nor observant). removed the cover and stared at it for a minute, because i'm not generally interested in touching live electrical stuff (because not mechanical, as noted previously).

    put two and two together and walked to the door to look at the doorbell, which sat at a rakish angle in its casing, the bottom portion of it stuck in the 'on' position while the top half lay where it should.

    i pressed the doorbell and the full apparatus popped out into the correct position.

    the buzzing noise stopped. i was a hero. still am, really.

    pretty proud that i figured out that whole situation. not so proud that it took me as long as it did, nor that i initially called an electrician. that coulda been embarrassing.

    and that's one to grow on.

  9. My wife, in her desperation to find activities for the kids, signed up my 7th grader for a volleyball class. She corralled a buddy's mom into this decision. He has never played. He has never expressed an interest. He has no interest in waking up at 745 AM on a Saturday. So this morning went REALLY REALLY well. As he was pulling himself together, he asked my wife "Are any girls doing this?" My wife responded "Yes. It's co-ed. Half of the participants are girls." That went over REALLY REALLY well too. She'll be back in 30 minutes and I'll have to sit there like the guy in the Maxell commercial while my wife vents about him being ungrateful and uncooperative. Maybe I should leave for a run in 20 minutes.

    When we tell him he has a weekly on-line chess class starting Monday evening, he'll be pretty pumped. To be clear, we're not crazy schedulers. We just literally have NOTHING going on for the kid, and their school days are short. We just need to get his ass away from video games for an hour or so here or there.

  10. W&M grad Luke Rhodes is the long-snapper for the Colts. Been there a few years. Was just voted 2nd team All-Pro in that position. Nice story.

    I keep my kids in the loop on his football progress to remind them of the impact that hard work and dedication have. Was cut by the Bucs and worked his way from the Colts’ practice squad to this level. Signed a 4-yr contract a year ago.

    I do not keep them in the loop on his social/political comments. He appears to be a fan of Candace Owens and is almost certainly a MAGA guy. I’m just gonna compartmentalize things.

  11. TR, my 14 year old has developed a serious volleyball jones, initiated by a animated show (called Haikyu, I think) he got into a while back.

    There’s not any real opportunity for him to play in an organized setting around here, but he used his money to buy a net and is constantly practicing. We are trying to keep him from abandoning ballet for it, but ballet study during the pandemic has been less enjoyable than usual.
