Friday, October 25, 2019

Nathan Knight and the Pips 2019 Tour

We're about 10 days away from the tip of William & Mary's 2019-20 men's basketball season. At the end of the 2019 CAA Tournament, most observers tapped the Tribe as one of the top two teams headed into this year. W&M stood its best chance in a long time to make that elusive appearance in the NCAA Tournament.

We know what happened next. And no, we're not over it, and we won't be any time soon. Hell, Marls won't even return the school's calls wondering why he's giving all of his hard-won money to St. John's

Regardless of how we feel, though, life goes on. While I will long remain a critic of the current W&M athletic administration (just wait until I get a chance to post a review of the new strategic plan), I can't in good conscience take my feelings out on the kids that wear the green and gold.

Those kids and their new coach, Dane Fischer, play at High Point a week from Tuesday. At some point, we'll offer a half-assed preview of the season, one in which we'll be lucky to win ten games. For now, though, we've dropped into this space to form a posse to attend the Tribe's second game.

On Friday, November 8, W&M comes to D.C. to face American University at Bender Arena. The Teej and I have visited Bender to see the Eagles play in a Patriot League playoff game. It's a tiny little bandbox, but it's fun. Holler at me in the comments if you'd like to go see Nathan Knight (who finds his name on multiple lists of the nation's top players) and what passes for a supporting cast get after it. Counting on you, in particular, Teej.


  1. Your label implies that there were happy years, or a least years that were not sad.

  2. headed to chicago tomorrow for the annual international association of chiefs of police conference. our president* will be speaking there on monday. anyone have any questions they'd like me to ask him while screaming obscenities as i get dragged away in handcuffs?

  3. Rob- maybe lay off the Twitter machine whilst in Chicago. I’m gonna guess you’ll be in the extreme political minority amongst most of that crowd.

    Hard right turn: I’m in Tallahassee (ick) for the weekend. Just took the older kid on a college tour of FSU. Letting her spend the night out with her cousins (both sophomores at FSU) tonight. Then meeting up with them tomorrow to tailgate before FSU-Syracuse. The wife is a bit nervous but we’re gonna get pretty drunk with my sisters tonight so she’ll get over it.

    As for tomorrow, I’ll be the guy wearing a “Pearl” Syracuse shirt at the FSU tailgate. Hate, hate, hate.

  4. Rob, I'm impressed that a guy with so much going on manages to preserve a respectable modicum of interest in Tribe hoops. It's more than I had when I was on campus.

    My Tribe hoops fandom peaked in the early 90s, when our family friend Todd Cauthorn was playing there.

    I saw there wasn't much light at the end of the tunnel back then and pretty much tapped out, setting my sights instead on becoming Jimmye Laycock's #1 cord guy.

  5. I can now drive again. Took my first drive in a week last night. Went to buy scotch at liquor store. Wife was not amused.

    Rode a stationary bike for 25 mins today. The road back to mediocrity starts now!

  6. And Rob, I advise you to act like Hunter S Thompson did when he was in Vegas at the same time as the Drug Convention for police officers.

  7. You know what, takes TR’s advice. Way better.

  8. Pearl shirt. Love it. Should elicit quite a few “huh’s?” There in Tallahassee.

  9. it's the fashion these days for high school's to have various 'outs' at football games. whiteouts, blackouts, neon-outs, etc, where the kids from the school all wear the same color/theme to the game. tonight was an america-out, where everyone was supposed to wear red, white, and blue. my kids' school played against my older daughter's boyfriend's school, but he showed up in red, white, and blue nonetheless. wearing a cccp hockey jersey. i enjoyed his suburban subversion.

  10. Johnny Manziel sighting. TV commercial for a previously unheard of auto insurance

  11. Is it peak irony to make a statement about gag inducing, Lee Greenwoodesque, faux flag waving patriotism by repping the colors of an oppressive regime that intentionally killed over 6 million of their own citizenry?

  12. Because the US didn’t kill anybody?

  13. england 19, new zealand 7! rugby world cup shocker!

  14. it was a workers' paradise, marls. just like high school.

  15. Z, the US of A definitely is not without sins. The point I’m making is that maybe the USSR might not be the best country to hold up when trying to make that point. You might as well show up at a police brutality protest wearing a SS uniform.

  16. Showed my kids Lost Boys last night. Ratings for 80’s movies are weird. No idea why that was R-rated. Not one F-bomb and no nudity.

    My kids loved it. Plot is still a hot mess. Corey Haim’s character was definitely in the closet.

  17. It’s funny watching old films with our kids...they love “breakfast club” 100%. I mean love it. Enjoyed “Ferris” too. “16 candles”—found offensive and lame. “Stand by me”—loved. “Say anything”—meh. “Top gun”—blah! “Rocky”—yeah, good, ok, but no need to see again.

  18. My kids on mostly the same page as Donna’s. Stand by Me was a home run, although the language made me wince a bit. Top Gun was okay to them. They LOVED Ferris and Goonies. They thought Beetlejuice was terrible and silly. They just wanted to see the mom from Stranger Things as a teenager. It does not hold up well. Rocky was too slow for them, but they watched it b/c it’s the origin story of Creed (to them).

    They blatantly laughed at the original Clash of the Titans. Special effects were awful by early 80’s standards. Same for Poltergeist, which scared me a lot as a kid.

  19. zson and I successfully fished the hell out of our local pond. The liquor store that sells worms is next to a vintage car store. We popped in before hitting the worm store to look at the 1998 911 Carrera 4S (last year with the air-cooled engine and thus highly desirable), an Alfa Romeo Duetto boattail, and sundried other cool stuff. Probably the least cool car in the building, other than the late model 340i with an automatic transmission, was the 1988 Ferrari Mondial convertible. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Gregg Williams was there to take a long hard look at the Mondial. His white S5 convertible was outside (the top was wisely down). His big concern seemed to be the trunk space.

  20. Which is more loathsome: Notre Dame or Michigan?

  21. notre dame, because catholics have caused much more pain and suffering in this world than michiganders

  22. Ummm, the crusades were pretty shitty but I think you’re discounting awfulness of Kid Rock.

  23. Can we fire Mike London and Chris Norris tmrw?

  24. Pour one out for Paul Barrere

  25. That is a bummer. I have Waiting for Columbus on vinyl (double record!). It strong to quite strong.

    Little Feat was a mainstage act when I had my bachelor party at Jazzfest in 2006. That will be my biggest memory of that band. It was the first post-Katrina Jazzfest, and I could think of no more worthy spot for a weekend of debauchery.

  26. marls is married to a michigander and has lots of ties to the university, and still he baits. i applaud him, for he is a master baiter. and i assume that sarah does not read the blogh. or is passed out from gold cup festivities.

  27. Strong showing by Notre Dame.

    And Fernando Rodney.

  28. south africa 19, wales 16. springboks face england in the final.

  29. Second straight Sunday of youth football in pouring rain. Yippee

  30. Andrew Wiggins has 2 assists in 108 minutes played this season.

  31. i met erik estrada today. so there’s that.

  32. Were you buying real estate in northwest Arkansas?


  34. Happy birthday Winona Ryder!

  35. Egg Man closing credits of Watchmen Ep 2. Nice
