Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Lego Beast

People who use their idle time to hone a very, very silly skill and bring a goofy smile or two to the world . . . they are among my favorites.
For Dave

For Marls

For anyone who read this post (and rob)

For Nathanial Hörnblowér


  1. Rob - any chance you’ll be in Minny on 5/14 or 5/15? A rare opportunity for you to buy me a drink.

  2. sadly for you, i’ll be in jackson, ms those days.

    today, i had my first bourbon at 11:30. katy bar the door.

  3. get my ass kicked from a wagering perspective. if anyone wants to find a churchill downs race program and give me some tips in the 6th and 7th races, i’ll split the winnings with you.

  4. Your favorite Persian Polish prognosticator may be on CNBC at 340 PM today.

  5. won $114 on my final two races. thanks, y’all!

  6. wow. my north brunswick buddies are debating whether or not the cult belongs in the rock'n'roll hall of fame right now. i will send them this! locks it up . . .

  7. Anybody have Ajax (pronounced Ayy-yax) in the Champs League finals? Hard to hate on them b/c Amsterdam and all.

  8. Wait wait wait. You’re telling me Whitesnake has a new album AND is touring?

    Dave - Starland Ballroom on a Tues night. Do I just buy tix now?

  9. Scratch that, Dave. No Vandenberg on lead guitar, no Sarzo on bass. They would fail Whitney’s test for aging rock bands.

  10. Thank you for playing along, TR. It does take the some of the air out of the balloon when you find out a band you want to see is a shell of its former membership.

  11. TR, are there online clips of the Persian Pole on CNBC somewhere?

  12. The video is embedded here, if you’re really bored:


  13. TR! Looking super sleek, my man. That there is a haircut.

    Oh, also, you said some smart things about some stuff I know just a tiny bit about because of this Finance class I just finished last night. Way to go.

  14. Don't take this the wrong way TR, but you have more gravitas on the tube than I would have predicted.

    The beard was nicely groomed, the hair was perfect, and the poker analagy gave you a relatable, almost folksy, demeanor. The pocket square and suit sans tie looks aight.

    Next time let's see a wee tuft of chest hair and a chain.

  15. zwoman's father's best friend, "Uncle" Jerry, was Whitesnake's agent at one point and I think he still counsels the former lead guitarist. Apparently said guitarist wanted Uncle Jerry to get him a Vegas gig like Slash has/had (Uncle Jerry represented Slash too). Uncle Jerry looked at him and laughed "You're the guitarist from Whitesnake, you're not Slash! You can't pull off a solo show in Vegas." Don't tell TR though, I don't want him to hunt down Uncle Jerry and whoop him, he's like 80 now.

  16. You can't tell because the desk is in the way, but TR was wearing nothing below the waist but but chaps.

  17. Uncle Jerry sounds awesome, and I'd take odds on him getting in some good licks on TR.

  18. If he’s aged like Tawny Kitaen, I can take him.

  19. Uncle Jerry cannot throw but he can talk you to death.

  20. Impressive analysis and side part. I may have been "pot committed" while attending WVU in the early 80s.
