Friday, November 16, 2018

Mostly Dead: A Brief Celebration

Pour out a little bit of iocane powder-laced wine for William Goldman, who passed today at the age of 87. The Academy Award-winning screenwriter and novelist wrote the screenplay for All the President's Men, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, and a number of other prominent films. More importantly, for the purpose of this bit of filler, he also penned the screenplay for The Princess Bride.

May he spending his eternity free of the fire swamp.


  1. reupping my comment from the previous post, as i pushed it down a few minutes later:

    danimal, have you ever bumped into brian mull on a golf course? he's a sportswriter who's also spent some time looping on the pga tour. he's a friend of fogtb mike litos, among others.

    you might enjoy this piece he wrote on 'the caddie network'. you probably know many of the names.

  2. Inconceivableeeeee!

    Off topic, as usual. I know there are few DMB fans here, so I'll throw out an offer from a local friend who has access to tapes of all the early shows from the boards. I know I saw them at least once at Trax back in the day, early 90's. But if you can recall the date I might be able to get a rip of that specific show. Just drop me a line if you want to stroll down memory lane.

  3. Memory Lane?

  4. Squeak... any chance of 6/12/92 or 7/9/92 or 12/28/92 or 5/21/93... all DMB at Lewis's Seafood in Norfolk?

  5. And William Goldman also wrote A Bridge Too Far.

    Caine and Hackman in the same movie. This is my thesis man! This is my closing argument! I CAN STOP WATCHING TV!

  6. brian mull, no. your note is timely though. the network founder is looking to get access to

  7. I find it fascinating that Mark David Chapman was denied parole again today while John Hinckley is living free in Kingsmill. I wouldn't have let either of them out, but especially someone who shot the President of the US. Even the current one.

  8. mark, beware. i'm told there are eagles fans on the loose in new orleans.

  9. i just saw an ad for kentucky fried chicken and waffles. i believe we have a new eating challenge for marls.

  10. Oh, I’ve noticed. And they’re all wearing their gear like they don’t have any other clothe to wear until Sunday. Truly the worst.

  11. Just sat down for dinner at Peche. The seafood cousin of Cochon. We are eating and then some on this trip.

  12. Been to Peche, loved it. Have a client across the street.

  13. ya'll, this deadspin story about GWU athletics is just, wow

  14. tribe at notre dame at noon. i predict pain.

  15. over the ear bluetooth headphone recs? i have some that go in my ears but they are annoying . . .

  16. it wouldn't break my heart to see the citadel beat alabama. there's no way the tide should schedule that game.

  17. Zson’s friend got him into tae kwon do. We’re only a month in but he likes it so far. Today we had to buy nunchucks so he has them for next class. If you haven’t experienced a seven-an-a-half-year-old boy with a brand new set of nunchucks in your family room, I can assure you that you it isn’t ideal.

  18. I just laughed quite heartily at the thought of kemba using nunchucks in Zfamily room. Not ideal is putting it lightly.

  19. TWolves city edition shorts now on sale. I’ve purchased. Had to cop the Ben franklin 76ers shirt too.

  20. Tribe offense... what’s a couple of notches below sputtering? Not the ideal conclusion for LaycockFest.

  21. Zman - Master Kim is a ninja at siphoning money from the wallets of Chatham parents. We got sucked in for two years. Check out his luxury car fleet.

    Mark - I was jealous of you up until the moment I got a cocktail from the reception desk at the hotel in Costa Rica where Team TR will spend the next week. Ceviche, arroz y frijoles for Thanksgiving.

    I’m actually still jealous of Mark. A grownups-only, boozy culinary journey through NOLA is good stuff.

  22. It’s been a great trip so far. So much eating and drinking.

    Just so you know, I’m jealous of you too, TR. Costa Rica is one of the more underrated tropical destinations in the Western Hemisphere. Amazing weather, beautiful beaches, great surf and pretty cheap. Enjoy that shit.

  23. how many times has kemba hit himself or you in the manparts, z?

    our local pre-thanksgiving 5k cross-country race was cancelled today because the course was covered in snow and mud. so a buddy and i ran it anyway. it was a glorious mess, and i ruined a pair of old shoes. i'd do it again.

  24. Everyone’s reproductive glands avoided impact. The nunchucks are safely stored high on a shelf. TR, we go to the cheap TKD spot in the Township. Master Park is a ninja at achieving focus and discipline in unfocused and undisciplined second grade boys.

  25. Last big meal in NOLA for the weekend. Sylvain. A gloriously perfect and small menu. The wife and I are plotting ways to get rich and move here.

  26. Enjoying a dark and stormy whilst plotting.

  27. I love a dark and stormy. And NOLA.

  28. all of that, yes. we must do a summit there. when's the next gtb annual board meeting scheduled?

  29. I love New Orleans more than damn near anywhere. Can we just do a summit here?

  30. Sad to leave New Orleans today. Let’s get on that G:TB summit already.

  31. New Orleans is my favorite city of all time, bar none. So yeah, Mark. I’m in.

  32. we watched "fight club" last night. my son alex has decided it's his second favorite movie (behind mean girls).

    more importantly, tyler durden swings nunchucks around in the family room in the house on paper street while ed norton tries to talk to suicidal marla. made me think of zson. very distracting.

  33. I look forward to the days when my kids are old enough to watch The Godfather and True Romance and other violent and profane movies with me.

  34. anyone got any good holiday week filler. i'm kinda running on empty at the moment, creatively speaking.

  35. It looks like Bill Cowher was styled by Merril Hoge.

  36. Gheorghe- The Blog has been collectively bankrupt, creatively speaking, for the past week. Let’s get our shit together.

  37. Whit, I put in your request. Will know more next week. Watching football and sitting here doing direct report reviews, what a pain in the ass. The reviews, that is.

  38. I’m a broken record on this but taking the day off after you return from vacation is one of the best things you can do. Start laundry, have an extra drink whilst on the couch. This will be one of the pieces of advice I give to my kids post college.
