Friday, September 21, 2018

zBouillabaise Returns

I have a few random items floating around in my head that seem post-worthy but aren't substantial enough to warrant my typical overly-long treatment, so I'm doing another zbouillabaise post.

1. "Station Wagon" by Hector's Pets has been stuck in my head since I heard it on WFMU this weekend. I bought their lone album, "Pet-O-Feelia"--they're essentially a Ramones tribute band with a great fondness for doo-wop. The result is a lot of lo-fi garage rock with heavy guitar riffs and pulsating background vocals. It's fun.

2. Speaking of station wagons, there's some weird arbitrage going on at various Jaguar dealers. The XF Sportbrake is a 380 horsepower rocket sled masquerading as a station wagon. The MSRP starts at $71,000 and can balloon over $80,000 depending on how you option it up. There are a number of XF Sportbrakes available for at or under $60,000, including one for $53,000 in Houston and one for $58,000 in White Plains. I contacted the White Plains dealer about this one and two other Sportbrakes they had back in July. They still have two of the three on the lot. I'm not saying you should buy a Jaguar, but if you're like me and you like longroofs (looking at you Squeaky) and you're in the market for a new one, you can get a supercharged V6 Jaguar for the price of a turbocharged I4 Volvo V90. If not less--there is only one Caesium Blue XF Sportbrake for sale new in America right now (it's in Atlanta) and when I emailed the dealer for a price quote they responded within 4 minutes, then followed up 15 minutes later to remind me that the keys are out waiting for me to take a test drive. Simply put, no one wants these cars so you can find yourself some extremely good values and you might be able to gouge the dealers down even further. What this really means is that in two years the market for CPO Sportbrakes will be soft as hell. And who wouldn't want to get a good deal on this?

If only they made them in British Racing Green ...

3. Unrelated to station wagons, and perhaps the polar opposite of Hector's Pets, I've also been listing to Jungle's new album "For Ever." Unlike Hector's Pets' DIY sound, "For Ever" appears to have been Zaratsu polished to impossible smoothness. If I were a cynic I would say that the whole album is prefabricated for commercials advertising luxury goods and the closing credits of prestige TV. But I'm not so instead I'll say it sounds like a cross between electronica and Yacht Rock with some Lovage thrown in for good measure.

Maybe some Gnarls Barkley too.

4. You know those "Little Trees" air fresheners that you hang from the rear view mirror so your car don't smell? The company that makes those trees sued Bob Ross's estate for trademark infringement because they sell "Happy Trees" and "Happy Little Trees" air fresheners that allegedly look confusingly similar to the "Little Trees" air fresheners. I love Bob Ross as much as the next guy (well maybe not as much as Teedge) and I want to take his side but this is pretty egregious.

5. My beloved Buffalo Bills are on pace to score 184 points and to give up 624 points. That's a -440 point differential. Only seven teams have scored less than 184 points in 16 games. Only two teams have ever allowed more than 500 points (the 2008 Lions with 517 and the 1981 Colts with 533). So the Bills might be historically bad on both sides of the ball, and they're currently on pace to be the worst defense ever by 91 points. Since the merger, no team has had a point differential worse than -287 (the 1976 Buccaneers). A -440 point differential would be unfathomably bad. But we might have to fathom it--here's the rest of Buffalo's schedule: @MIN, @GB, TEN, @HOU, @IND, NE, CHI, @NYJ, BYE, JAX, @MIA, NYJ, DET, @NE, MIA. Not a lot of gimmes on that slate.

6. What part of the Constitutiom says that the President can’t appoint a Supreme Court Justice during an election year, but he or she can make such an appointment while being an unindicted co-conspirator for a federal crime?


  1. Baker Mayfield looked fantastsic last night. He puts some real zip on the ball and makes smart decisions quickly. Darnold, on the other hand, can execute a 3-step drop, but is terrifying to watch when he has to improvise b/c of his proclivity for throwing the ball to the other team.

  2. I’m at an event where the presenter said,in the same sentence, that the elephant is already in the room and the horse is out of the barn. Apparently this is a lecture on zoo law.

  3. what if the elephant is a horse? and it's in a hospital?

  4. Z - I followed Ian Poulter from the Player's lot to the clubhouse when they were here in May for the golf tourney. Poulter drove one of his own cars here from Orlando and used it for the week, rather than taking advantage of a TOUR provided courtesy Lexus. A Ferrari FF. I gave it a walk-around and peek inside once he got out of sight. Not a bad wagon as far as wagon's go.

  5. The FF is fantastic. I think it’s more of s shooting brake than a wagon, but it’s definiely the fastest way to haul four people and all their luggage for a week long vacation.

  6. 2. I actually built a few with the online configurator earlier in the year. But I wasn't going to pay $85K for a Jaguar. Ended up with a still new 2017 S90 that was in a similar situation of everything must go clearance price. So my 20 year streak of driving wagons is over. It still feels weird to drive a sedan and I miss the versatility of a wagon.

    3. Because of said new car, I get a free 6 month trial of Sirius radio. They play a lot of Jungle's album and concurring, they do have some good tunes on it.

    4. Can't Ross' estate show a one for one painting of the outline of said tree and claim claim prior art? He was probably around before the air-freshener but I could be wrong. Checks wikipedia. Little Trees invented in 1952 by German-Jewish chemist and businessman who fled from the Nazi's. Ross estate screwed. The more you know.

  7. i like how squeaky is trying to implement a bold new system of numbering. fuck number one, y'all.

  8. Hey, important question, gheorgies. What do you call the kind of hat that Rudy the dickish character from Fat Albert's gang wore?

    asking for a friend

  9. tangentially related, is "virgin wool" the wool from a virgin sheep?

  10. would you call that a newsboy cap, whit? i might.

  11. I think Squeaky was responding to the numbered paragraphs from my post. I assume Whit is now dressing like Cosby Kids—he also has a mask like Mushmouth.

  12. 1. i believe zman is probably correct, but i prefer to believe that squeaky hates the number one

    2. i believe zman is probably correct, and i believe that whitney's cosby kids cosplay is harmless.

  13. as opposed to bill cosby's cosplay, which, fuck that guy

  14. Look, I just want the hat, not the baggage that comes with being associated with Cosby. I should have said Payne Stewart, not Rudy, but I didn't think of it until now. I am bald now and it's time I bought an old man hat.

  15. Bill Cosby did deliver the commencement speech to the College's 300th graduating class, of which I was officially a member. Ain't shit we can do about that except pretend it was Richard Pryor.

  16. or, like cap noonan, go with the flat cap. you'll look like a badass irish tough.

  17. Is that a Revenge of the Nerds reference?

  18. Calvin Peete had a flat cap or newsboy.

    I can't pull the porkpie off.

    By that I mean if I wedge that thing on my big melon I won't be able to pull it off.

  19. Maybe I'm a fedora man? A lot of people confuse me for Don Draper.

  20. i like the jungle style music. are the dancers part of the band?

    and you can't trademark a tree!

  21. you'd better avoid the fedora, whit. you don't want to be confused don draper. i liken it to when people-- especially women-- confuse me for brad pitt. it's a hassle.

  22. You get confused for him in Interview with a Vampire, right?

  23. While we’re on the topic of the Cos, he’s innocent of all those rapes, right?

    I’m just going by the President of the United States’ logic.

  24. You can 100% get trademark protection for air fresheners in the shape of a tree if you were the first to do it.

  25. You could go Stetson, like Boss Hogg

  26. Whit, I recommend this hat:

  27. The goal by John McGinn from earlier today was superb and mind blowing.

  28. raise a pint or six for our man whitney's birthday

  29. Let’s hear it for the boy, if you will.

  30. tribe are 29.5-point dogs at jmu this afternoon. take the dukes and the points and thank me later.

  31. Great day for Rutgers football.
