Thursday, September 20, 2018

Winning Football in D.C.!

The Washington Valor won Arena Bowl XXXI in July, shrugging off a 2-10 regular season to sweep through the Arena Football League's (AFL) everyone-in-the-pool playoffs to bring D.C. its first men's professional football title since 1983. (The D.C. Divas, as we all know, have won three titles in two different distaff leagues since 2006.)

Now, the National Capital region can lay claim to another football champion. Not Dan Snyder's boys, obviously. Few things give me more pleasure than watching that chump's plaything circle the drain, and even fewer than that as much glee as the dismal attendance at the Burgundy and Gold's home opener. (Sorry, Whit. Bygones.)

No, a different squad altogether captured a national title in D.C.'s honor this week. The Washington Generals, pride of the D.C. Gay Flag Football League (DCGFFL), went undefeated in six games across three days, defeating the San Diego Toros, 29-13, to win Gay Bowl XVIII.

The National Gay Football League's flagship event (younger, dumber, less woke me would've had a hard time resisting a terrible, offensive pun there), this year's Gay Bowl brought together 57 teams from 22 cities in the Denver area. The Generals made their namesake hoops squad proud, though the Harlem Globetrotters were nowhere to be found.

And in an era where the National Football League is searching for a bit of positive press, good on the Denver Broncos for coming out in support of the Gay Bowl, backing the event with the team's community improvement staff, as well as financially. Boy, will the fuckwits that hate the NFL for kneeling black people really lose their shit when they find out the gays are involved.


  1. I assume the San Diego Toros are an homage to “Bring It On.” If so they are my favorite flag football team of any sexual orientation.

  2. No one else liked "Bring It On"?

  3. Hello Gheorghies...from Jamaica

    And Z, I got and enjoyed the reference

  4. Teedge in Jamaica inspires almost as much fear as when Brady moved to Vegas.

  5. The shuttle driver as well as two hotel staff people have already offered to get me weed. Nice folks.

  6. I was in Jamaica in 1990. I’m still recovering.

  7. If you go to Peter Tosh's grave, please apologize to him on my behalf for not stopping by in 1994.

  8. Lederhosen has been ordered...

  9. Dave killed the thread. Way to go, Dice Man.

  10. The Jerk Store called. They’re running out of Dave.

  11. Worried about the Jets holding this lead, TR?

  12. how do you fuck up 'dave's a mess'?

  13. I’m not worried. I’m certain they will lose it, so need for worry.

  14. I hadn’t refreshed, rob. I had that not so refresh feeling.

  15. you're still the best, my friend

  16. conor mcgregor, on the other hand, is a tedious motherfucker

  17. i miss tr's updates about how close the yankees were in the loss column. anyone know how close they are now?

  18. Um, yeah, maybe that rally didn’t quite have the legs I anticipated.

    Can’t wait to see how the Jets blow this.

  19. 'sokay, tr. that yanks team definitely has enough talent to win from the wild card. and i'm not just saying that as a reverse jinx. they scare me just a little. as does the red sox bullpen.
