Friday, May 18, 2018

Theme Songs, and Such

You Gheorghies, as you're all undoubtedly aware, are among the most magnificent bastards I know. And, man, do I need some good bastards right now, 'cause the motherfuckers, fascists, and heartless bastards running shit in Washington have me down. I started to write a post about it, but it quickly ran to word salad without a point. My thesis, as it were, was a muddled mess. I'll work on it.

As is the case in situations like this throughout my life, I turned today to music.

This one doesn't really fit the theme, but I'm down a rabbit hole, and I love this song.

Chime in with your own bastard-fighting tunes in the comments. Or better yet, append them to the post. It'll be our own little revolution rock.

Challenge accepted, Robbie! Here's one fun one for a shockingly dry Friday here in the NYC area (at least until dark). From your pal TR. 

Here's my favorite bastards song.  Here they come... From your buddy Whitney.



    Here's a tune by some local pals, The Bastards of Fate. I contributed to the gang vocals on this tune that start at about the three minute mark.

  2. Here’s another pick me up for you, Rob...Cobra Kai. I watched the first five episodes whilst being tattooed yesterday and can’t recommend it enough. It’s worth your time and you trial YouTube Red subscription.


    This dates me a bit, but Gil Scott-Heron's lyrical indignation and calls for social justice were pretty damn stout. Marvin Gaye's cover of Inner City Blues was bouncier and more melodic. Scott-Heron's original is edgier, and better fits today's theme. No overt "bastards," but I think it works.

  4. Fairbank from the top rope! Gil ... Scott ... HERON! I'm losing my edge.

    This song is especially helpful for when the bastards at issue are your employers:

  5. The Hold Steady guy with the mustache and beret needs a shave and a new hat.

  6. The Hold Steady actually kicked that guy out of the band for a bunch of years. He's back now sans the hat but still has a stache.

    I'm partial to 'Slack Motherfucker' by Superchunk.

    Or 'President Gas' by the Furs which came out the same year as the Gil Scott Heron song.

  7. Here's one that likely passed you by.

    Violent Femmes
    "I Hate the TV"
    2:11 of vitriol for exactly what we're bemoaning.

    The second verse is for Rob. And me. And a lot of people.

  8. adam jones bought cal ripken's estate. we blew our chance.

  9. My 8U travel team lost 10-0 on the road tonight. Five mins before game time, we had 7 kids there, This occurred despite my clear emails to parents to plan ahead for traffic. And one kid decided he wouldn’t play.

    My leadoff hitter ran off the field crying in the 1st after being forced out at second. One of my outfielders later cried after I gave him an earful for watching a single go by him and not moving.

    And that kid that didn’t want to play? I put him at the bottom of the order and hoped he would come around to eventually play the field b/c we had 9 kids. He told me he would only bat if he had a pinch runner. This was ludicrous, especially b/c he sucked at hitting. I had to let him bat b/c I desperately hoped we would get him to play the field. He never did. We played with two outfielders. His clueless dad told me post-game that he was proud his son wanted to sit w/ teammates. That dad is about to get a terse email.

    We play the same team Sunday. We’ll have a full team, and the outs kid is out. We need to redeem ourselves. I am drinking scotch.

  10. That’s a brutal Friday. Life would be better if parents realized how much talent their kids lacked athletically. Good luck with that though.

  11. they’re 8, man. maybe dial back for a minute?

  12. I did not yell at the kid. I just told him that when a ball rolls near him in the OF, he needs to move his feet. He's a pampered kid who appears to have only ever heard that he is an amazing, special, fantastic boy. So I merely gave him some reality. And I think he has never heard anything of that ilk. So he cried like a baby.

    If we get second place in our league, I should shatter my trophy in front of the kids and tell them second place means they are the first losers.

  13. And holy crap, this fawning over this wedding in England is about the saddest thing in the history of ever. Don Lemon seems fired up though. More scotch needed.

  14. Hi Gheorghies and Vic Morrow/TR

  15. Vic Morrow - tremendous deep cut!

  16. I always knew TR would be an awesome pledge marshal one day.

  17. Forgot about this bastard song

    Ass Ponys, Little Bastard

    ELloyd was a fan

  18. there's a crew of dudes hanging drywall in my basement right now. they're *jamming* 80s power ballads at high volume. it's amazing. just heard duran duran's 'ordinary world'.

  19. Technically that song came out in 1993, but your point is not lost

  20. my U-13 travel team has to win or tie tomorrow against harrison to win the flight and advance to the play-offs. and after my red card ejection last week, i have sworn to coach calmly and with perspective. so there will be a battle of wills inside my brain . . .

  21. we’re finishing the basement, and our 16 y/o has convinced us to paint one of the walls with chalkboard paint so the kids can draw on it. she’s a good artist, so my wife asked her, earnestly, if she was planning to get good at chalk drawing so she can create art. ‘nah, i’m just gonna draw a bunch of dicks’, was her response. i’m still laughing.

  22. I don't feel like we, as a group, are at a place where we can make daughter jokes the way we used to make mom jokes, so I'm not saying shit.

  23. just laugh along with me, man

  24. Just don't ask her how she knows what one looks like...

  25. Let alone a bunch of them (I guess we're going there).

  26. thank god i've got boys.

  27. i am putting mastersystem on while my wife and i cook dinner. let's see if cat can tolerate it . . .

  28. I’m sitting in the rain at my old high school’s football field watching my niece graduate because apparently nobody at the school realized that it rains all the time in Florida during the summer months.

  29. i'd like to think i passed along a number of pretty good traits to my daughter. but there's no question that she's got my propensity to use colorful language. for which, y'know, i'm sorry. i guess.

  30. a buddy of mine turned 50 several months ago. he was a sprinter/jumper in high school, but he hadn't done much athletically in years and was probably carrying 30 extra pounds. he got hammered with his buddies at a high school reunion earlier this year, ran a drunken, latenight 200 and realized he missed it. he dropped the weight, started training, and competed today in the virginia state senior games in the 100, 200, long jump and high jump. he won two golds, a silver, and a bronze, and qualified for nationals in all four events. that's pretty cool.

  31. Fucking Capitals. Never going to hoist the Cup ever.

  32. Chalkboard paint is cool. My step kid has had it on a wall in each of her past two rooms. No dicks drawn on there though. Yet.

  33. Nine Inch Nails are going on a limited tour but only selling tickets on location in the cities they’re playing. I’m so bummed. Anybody in or near DC or NYC want to grab me a ticket or two?

  34. Oh...that happened today. Motherfucker.

  35. Spent the last 2.5 hours on the couch w/ only my 8 y/o. We toggled b/w Yanks-Royals and NBA. He asked a million sports questions, was locked into both games, and legitimately learned a bit more about baseball as a result. And he was in his signature lying position, which is sprawled on the couch w/ his head burrowed in my armpit. He had a good night, but doesn’t yet realize his dad had an even better night.

  36. That’s where my kid posts up when we’re on the couch together at night watching TV. Nothing better.

  37. On the contrary, few things are worse than TR's armpit.

    Hey there Gheorghie girls.
