Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Stuff You Slept On, Alternatively Titled "layzman's post" -- Squeaky Edition

G:TB superfan Squeaky is a musical connoisseur extraordinaire. I don't know if he has more GB of music than Whitney, but he has a shitload of music. So much so that I requested multiple layzman fillers from him. Here's the first.


What is Mastersystem? It's a supergroup that TJ and everyone else on G:TB has never heard of before.

They are comprised of members from Frightened Rabbit (a few of you have heard them before) [zcomment: I've heard of them, through Squeaky, natch], Editors (you haven't heard of them) and Minor Victories (not a chance). All their music is indie rock/pop slash whatever the kids are calling it these days.

Mastersystem just released an album April 6, 2018.

The single, “Notes On A Life Not Quite Lived”, is below but you can hear the whole record on the streaming service of your choice at this point.

The music is more on the dirtier, grungier side of indie rock. It has a little harder edge than most Frightened Rabbit stuff but not punk. But the soul-searching lyrics are still present.

As is wont with album releases, the members of the band get interviewed. Below is one such question and response from Scott Hutchison, lead singer of Frightened Rabbit and Mastersystem.

Speaking with Stereogum about the themes behind the record, Hutchison said,

“I thought it would be interesting to play around with the themes of restlessness and dissatisfaction on this album, both as a counterpoint to the exuberance of the music and as an obvious reference to the angst and tension I heard in the grunge and fuzz of my teenage years. This is not the angst of a teenager, however. This is the anxiety of a man in his mid-30s, and for a lot of this record I found myself wrestling with the ways in which I am not quite doing life right, in spite of appearing to lead a relatively joyful, playful and artistic existence.”

Bold emphasis is mine. But if you spent any time listening to Frightened Rabbit you can always hear about his fight with his own ‘demons’ through his lyrics.

Is this album revolutionary? No. Is it a desert island classic? No idea, but doubtful. Just started listening to it today but after a few passes it’s squarely in my musical wheelhouse.

So why mastersystem, why the bolded emphasis, why this post? Well on May 8 Scott walked away from a Glasgow hotel after tweeting the following tweets.

“Be so good to everyone you love. It’s not a given. I’m so annoyed that it’s not. I didn’t live by that standard and it kills me. Please, hug your loved ones.”

“I’m away now. Thanks.”

As a lot of us know firsthand, depression can bring out the worst thoughts and actions. Let’s hope he is safe but it’s not looking too good right now.

Unfortunately we have more information about Hutchinson now than when Squeaky sent me this. Enjoy what I assume is Hutchinson's last album.


  1. I guess no one likes Mastersystem.

  2. could be they don’t like squeaky

  3. I liked the song. Listened while I was stealing a few moments to work on the Rootsy Edition of this series. It's taking me too long. I don't know how you guys put up with having to create content in such a fast moving environment!

  4. we've honed our content factory over years, rootsy. you'll get there.

  5. Stop with the pressure Rob! I just wanna drop a guestie and hang around for some inane conversation.

  6. I'm working on a couple but seem to be on the baseball card pace. I am however enjoying a Double Orange Starfish and listening to Astral Weeks, which I suppose could qualify for being slept on.

  7. I originally read Astral Weeks, the album, as Astrelwerks, the record label, and thought Mr. KQ doesn't seem like the electronic and dance music type of guy and had to do a double take.

    Double Orange Starfish sounds delicious.

  8. Tastier than the double chocolate starfish

  9. Marls has reverted back to his college-era “why are you always up at the weirdest times and when do you ever sleep” phase.

  10. And his “I can”t pass up an anus joke” phase.

  11. At least he's done with his "I don't shower or launder my clothes" phase.

  12. My kids liked this song, but may have been solely due to the video.

    Song sounds a lot like Nirvana.

  13. FOG:TB Rodell getting a quote in an CBS article.

  14. my kidlet got her very first job today. she'll be slinging scoops at the local ice cream parlor for minimum wage. we told her she had to get a job before summer started, but we didn't help her other than to drive her around - she went into a bunch of places on her own and asked if they were hiring, did all the work, and got hired. pretty proud of her.

  15. I’ll take my lineage and its Houston breast enhancement guru over your water-seeking NASA guy.
