Monday, January 18, 2016

The Test 32: Stretchy Horses and Twisty Mustaches (Salvador Dali)

I would like to humbly suggest that an excellent way to celebrate MLK Day is to listen to The Test. This episode features three white people quizzing each other about Salvador Dali. What could be more appropriate?

Not only that, but eight minutes into the show, I call Stacey a "menace to audio" and Cunningham joins right in. It's not the struggle, but you've got still got to feel for her.


  1. my kids are working on a ukulele/cello original composition this morning. part of me thinks it's really cool. part of me thinks it sounds like a wildebeest mating with a barn owl.

  2. just got alex set up to record "no sleep til mesopotamia" to a beasties backing track. he couldn't manage the diorama, so he's switching to the "rap" option. sixth grade teachers know just how to ruin a three day weekend. perhaps we can sample in the uke/cello

  3. Happy MLK Day, gheorghies.

    Or for any bigots out there, have a hood Lee Jackson Day. I mean "good."

  4. Am I the only schnook working today?

  5. I have a friend from way back when, pre-Winchester, who was not close enough to keep in touch with once I moved away but close enough to become facebook friends 25 years later. He's has terminal brain cancer and is giving the play-by-play from his hospital (death) bed for all to see. It's really sad. He is angry, rightly so, and is not going out gracefully. Fuck a bunch of cancer.

  6. Back to back comments that sadden. I go back to a quote by Seuss:

    Life is short, lads and lasses
    Make sure you all grab enough... life.

  7. ORF Rock at 7pm

    Theme? we shall see...

  8. pretty stupid first quarter for steph

  9. I look forward to Z's post on the tennis match fixing scandal. That's a bit of a mouthful. Tennis fix scandal? Tennis scandal? I look forward to it either way.

  10. i was pretty excited about this cavs/warriors game. i'm not any longer.

  11. Agreed on Warriors-Cavs. Once the lead got to 35, it just started seeming sad.

  12. I was working today too, Z. The Cavaliers took the day off though.

  13. we already gave z that assignment, danimal. eagerly awaiting the analysis. hopefully z can get us the names.
