Saturday, January 16, 2016

Filler, Also Vital to Life

Just changing the view up in here, friends. I'm really digging Ra Ra Riot's relatively new tune, 'Water'. It's got a little Beta Band vibe, with some modern alt-rock thrown in. Enjoy:


  1. Watch me sell five copies of The Three EPs by The Beta Band.

  2. "Ghost Under Rocks" by Ra Ra Riot made my end of year compilation a number of years back and still holds up.

  3. Watching the Tribe vs UNCW. Seahawks raining 3's on them early 2nd half. W&M sporting a whole lotta honk.

  4. daniel dixon's out sick. doesn't help the melanin count. since he's the only non-honk that gets any minutes. and one of only two on the roster. that's actually amazing, even for w&m.

  5. Looks like UK-Texas Western '66. Let's hope it ends better for the Cauc ring.

  6. Irish and Dukes with big road wins today.

  7. The Notre Dame-Duke game was highly entertaining. As was Oklahoma-West Virginia. Pats-Chiefs...not so much.

  8. Ditto on WVU-OK. Big 12 is stacked this year.

  9. I've decided I'm rooting for the Cardinals to win it all. I like Fitzgerald and Palmer.

  10. Pour some out for Ted Marchibroda.

  11. zson announced he likes the guys with the yellow pants because he wants to wear cheese on his head.

  12. My 6 y/o told me today that he has a friend named whose name is a potty word. He then said "his name is JJ, like a girl's private parts," and pointed to his own private parts.

    So my 6 y/o knows what a vajayjay is. I may not win Dad of the year after all.

  13. Tough to argue with Zson's logic.

    And if I had to root for a team in these playoffs, it would be Arizona.

  14. six teams are tied for first in the caa at 4-2. can we just skip ahead to march?

  15. I like when Rob makes the same point on both Twitter and G:TB. His musings are that important. To him at least.

  16. big saturday night for you, too, mark?

  17. This will be Tom Brady's tenth AFC championship game in fourteen years as a starter (not counting the year he missed sixteen games). He won six of the previous nine. That's ... impressive.

  18. Yes sir. I've left my house twice today since 4 pm. To pick up the teenager from a friend's house and to buy a new toothbrush. Other than that, it's been college basketball, NFL playoffs and Twitter. Recently added bourbon to the mix.

  19. I did buy two new pairs of shoes yesterday though. So it's been a pretty exciting weekend.

  20. saw 'the big short' tonight. it's quite entertaining, right up until the point that it's really fucking depressing.

  21. my daughter is facetiming with a friend. who lives in the house next door. kids are lazy as shit.

    what kind of kicks, mark?

  22. Kobe x elite low- black/pink/grey colorway

    Flynit racers- bright citrus

    I've also got a tattoo appointment for Monday which will conclude the "I won a bunch of money in fantasy football and I'm going to spend some of it. Damn it. Tour." I'll be responsible with the rest.

  23. Yes they are. I've been eyeing them for months now. I didn't "need" new basketball shoes but I finally found them on sale. Had to do it.

  24. Those citrus racers are cool. I like the Oreos too.

  25. I got the citrus racers for 50% off. My first pair of flyknits. I wanted the Oreos but my size wasn't available.

  26. My mother in law bought my kid an iPad mini for her birthday. She's turning 4. Yes, I appreciate how absurd this is.

    Here's the thing though: I love the iPad mini so much more than our iPads. Gonna have to steal/trade this.

  27. Holy fuck is right. This game is now approaching Dolphins-Chargers playoffs game from the Super Bowl XVI year as greatest playoff game ever. And I love watching a great game that doesn't feature a shit-ton of scoring.

    Last point - I supported McCarthy's decision to go for it on 4th down w/ 3 minutes. Play to win.

    If the Pack wins, Olivia Munn offers up every hole, right? (Sorry. I'm overserved.)

  28. Holy fuck. Larry Fitzgerald.

  29. Larry just made it into Canton w/ that play.

  30. Holy fuck. Fitz. Shovel pass. Wow.

  31. Two future hall of famers simply refusing to lose.

  32. Where does Michelle Tafoya's Botox injector rank among the MVPs of this game?

  33. Bad beat if you were giving 6 and a hook.

  34. And how unnecessary is Costas? Are there any spotts fans out there who want less Dan Patrick and more Costas?

  35. Last comments - SweetWater IPA from Hotlanta is mighty tasty.

    And here's an SNL question - does Timberlake join Chris Stapleton on stage at some point? Everybody wins, right?

  36. That was great. I should talk shit about the NFL on Twitter more often.

  37. My company's headquarters are less than a mile from the Sweetwater Brewery.

    I've heard of this Chris Stapleton. I've never heard Chris Stapleton.

  38. mini summit happening in f-l-a in three weeks with mark and fam. danimal, would love to see you as well

  39. Went to see Badfish, the Sublime tribute band last night. Fascinating. Sublime was around for a handful of years and three albums, and their tribute band played to a packed house of clearly ardent fans 20 years after Bradley Nowell died. Good stuff. Daddy's got a new .45.

  40. zdaughter knows the first half of the chorus to Bo Bo Bo!!

  41. Sean McDermott's attempt to get a HC role isn't going to go well if he blows a 31 pt lead against Seattle.

  42. Happy birthday to Motley Crue, who turns 35 today.

  43. My weekends have become a bit different since starting our own version of Mutt's Cuts. For at least another couple of weeks I'm solo w kids on the weekends. When do you get in? Please advise.

  44. please tell me you got the shaggin' wagon, danimal?

  45. No Roberto. No mobile stuff.

  46. Does Pete Carroll have a chewing gum sponsorship?

  47. Scratching my head over Rivera challenging that catch.

  48. I'm at a children's museum. Game doesn't appear to be interesting at all

  49. I love 40 oz to Freedom. Frat bros at Florida ruined Sublime for me for a time but I've gotten over that. I very much dig Sublime when I'm drinking poolside or at the beach.

    Looking forward to my romantic Valentine's Day dinner with Teej.

  50. I'm getting caught up on Denver Pittsburgh. Roethlisberger's arm must still hurt. He's throwing like Chad Pennington.

  51. Both teams are trotting out noodled armed QBs and butter fingered receivers.

  52. Ocelot Jive and Lyrics Ipa. You heard it here first.

  53. yet another quality loudoun county product, ken. we need to arrange a local brewery tour.

  54. zson is rooting against the steelers because people who steal are bad.

  55. Let's book it Rob. Several are actually along the bike trail, nothing cooler than hanging at the bar in tights.
