Tuesday, January 05, 2016

A Special Guest on The Test

Stacey serves up another clever song quiz this week on The Test, and while I struggle, our special guest (Whitney!) fares a bit better. You'll need to identify the title and artist of each track, and then use this information to figure out the overarching theme. Sound easy? You've got another thing coming.

Warning: no Cunningham in this episode. Also, no Bon Jovi, no Billy Joel, and no Indigo Girls. But plenty of hip, and a little bit of hop. You dig? As a bonus, Stacey plugs ORF Rock. Cross-promotion!


  1. saw the first 30 minutes of the kansas/oklahoma game last night. don't really feel like i missed anything.

  2. David Lowery of Cracker and Camper Van Beethoven sued Spotify alleging copyright infringement to the tune (pun!) of $150,000,000.

  3. Yes, he did. Another con in the CD vs Spotify debate that raged on (not really) on ORF Rock last night.

    Z, do you figure he has a case, or is this 80's alt-rock icon silliness?
