Monday, November 23, 2015

The Sublime, Beautiful Dave Grohl

The arc of the Foo Fighters' story is long, but it bends towards humanity.

Back in July, we told you about the seemingly quixotic attempt by a thousand Italian musicians to get the Foos' attention. Organized by Fabio Zaffagnini, the group performance caught Dave Grohl's attention, and the band promised to come to the small northern Italian city to perform a show. They made good on that promise on November 3.

What a show it appears to have been.

In nice piece of theatrical symmetry, the band opened the show with 'Learn to Fly'.

A moved Grohl thanked the crowd the musicians, saying "I fucking cried", when describing his reaction the first time he saw the group video.

Grohl dedicated 'My Hero' to Zaffagnini, and the joy and pure happiness on the latter's face tells you that we might be seeing the best moment of his life. And what happens from the 5:30 mark or so is just a brilliantly human moment. It made me happy to see it.

Finally, the band invited one of the stars of the original video, a mohawked drummer, to sit in on the skins while Foos drummer Taylor Hawkins handled lead vocals on Queen/Bowie's 'Under Pressure'.

There's so much to love here. Not the least of which is Dave Grohl's essential decency. Long may he rock.


  1. I had a comment about feline excrement tying into the last set of comments but it doesn't seem appropriate to pepper this fine new post with cat scat.

  2. cat scat fever. nugent's lesser-known first draft.

  3. shlara, you really need to qualify that statement when in this space. there's someone who might take it the wrong way.

  4. How should I feel when the Bills trade their first and second round picks for Colin Kaepernick?

  5. LSU firing Les Miles feels like a bad, bad, bad decision

  6. Jets just waived Quinton Coples? Can't wait to hear the real story behind that

  7. The Coples waiving decision will distract folks for a minute from the bust that Dee Milliner has become. And the bust that Sanchize was. And the bust that Geno is. And the bust that Devin "hands of buttered stone" Smith will be. And the future free agent that Mo Wilkerson will be. That dude is gonna get himself paid.

    The good news is that our strong start ensure we won't have a top 10 draft pick. At least we will formally cut ties with Geno after this year.

    Random Geno Smith story: I was in my local Supercuts one night with my 8 y/o son, who had gotten creative w/ cutting his own hair. We had to salvage his damage. I was talking w/ one of the women there, who saw my son's football sweatshirt. She told me Geno came in for a haircut one day and didn't tip. Classy guy.

  8. What's more surprising: (1) Geno Smith goes to the Supercuts at the Hickory Tree Shopping Plaza or (2) Geno Smith doesn't tip his barber.

  9. Dude, he lives in Whippany. That awful decision alone tells you a lot about the guy.

  10. Dave Grohl. I love Dave Grohl.

    And, if you live in the NYC area or find yourself in the NYC area with time on your hands. I strongly encourage you to visit the Tenement Museum on the lower east side--take a tour. It's fascinating journey back in time, and even more interesting in the midst of the immigration conversations happening in our country today.

  11. you don't need to say "I love dave." that's axiomatic.

  12. i am watching whit and penny lane use their phones-- they need to figure out something to do while the music is playing . . .

  13. how do i request "brother wolf, sister moon"?

  14. KRS-ONE has a new album coming out tomorrow?

  15. And folks are lobbying for Porzingis' nickname to be KRS-6?

  16. They called Rex for standing on the white line!?! Total makeup call for the inadvertent whistle. Horseshit.

  17. I guess there is a possibility this comment is premature, but the fact that there is a show coming out called Lucifer, where the devil takes human form and wreaks havoc on LA and also apparently visits a psychologist, may signal that TV writers are officially out of ideas.
