Sunday, November 22, 2015


Australia is cooler than us. The evidence is overwhelming, so much so that I don't feel particularly compelled to list it. (There are other reasons why I don't feel like listing it, many of them related to the fact that I'm lazy as fuck.)

No, I won't list it, but I will provide yet another exhibit in the case. Bonds Australia is a maker of undergarments. They're also the geniuses behind an advertising campaign that's made a pair of testicles superstars Down Under.

Really, that should be enough to make the case, no?


  1. I would buy those briefs based solely on these ball ads. Second round of alka seltzer is on board with little relief in sight. A Norfolk academy guy threw a party last night and it was surprisingly rowdy, given the tea totling nature of Norfolk academy alums.

  2. These ads are funny.

    Will the W&M football team definitely get a playoff spot?
    Or did that loss yesterday eliminate our chances?

  3. Tribe just got in. Face Duquesne

  4. We were right.

  5. zson gets no more than a third of his pee in the toilet. The volume of urine on and around the outside of the bowl is stunning.

  6. i remember those nights-- we'd someone get up and go to the bathroom, then we'd hear pee in the toilet, then an oddly long silence, then some more pee in the toilet.

    do i have to stop drinking beer on weeknights--excepting thursday of course-- if i want to lose ten pounds? or is there a workaround?

  7. If the tribe wins on Saturday in Williamsburg then they get to run it right back against Richmond.

  8. 16-year-old me wouldn't believe I'm saying this but Duke fans are pretty annoying

  9. Cooley says it was the worst call of the 2015 season. Doc Walket said it was the worst he's even seen. Unreal.

  10. Walker. Is Autocorrect taking the day off?

  11. That ref should be fired. Right now.

    It's one thing for the young boy to miss the toilet, but our 3 year old girl is in the habit of somehow missing as well. Yes, you read that correctly. As recently as today her older sis comes to me to let me know her sibling has pee all over floor and in her underwear. Sure enough, about a cup and a half in urine on the floor and half a cup in her drawers. She was there, on the toilet, sitting right where she should have been. Headscratcher.

  12. I bet JJ Watt isn't fun to hang out with.

  13. I assume this bad call was in the ongoing skins game?

  14. Correct z. You'll see it on your halftime highlight show of choice.

  15. Jonathan Grimes, formerly of the Tribe, getting some carries today for the Texans.

  16. Shlara, Duke fans are horrendous. Mrs. Marls is a Duke alum white doesn't care all that much about the team. However we will sometimes go to Duke events and the clientele are the worst. I think it's an inferiority complex since most of them wanted to go to an Ivy but have convinced themselves that Duke is some mix of Harvard's academics and AZ State's party atmosphere.

  17. duke alum whites > duke alum minorities. that what you're getting at subliminally, no?

  18. White is actually code for short.

  19. Chris Culliver is as bad a starting DB as I have seen in the NFL in some time. Doesn't seem to give half a shit about performing even basic job fulfillment.

  20. Ever since Odell beckham made that crazy catch it isn't cool to catch passes with two hands. So many botched one handed catches this year.

  21. I didn't realize Mrs Marls went to Duke--that's too bad b/c I really like her...

    Exciting early season game at MSG where the Hoyas don't back down to Duke.

    The Duke fans got more obnoxious as the game progressed. All of these people can't be alums, right?

  22. I think Michigan fans are pretty awful too. Unfortunately Mrs Marls went there as well. But she's awesome nevertheless!

  23. Tampa looks surprisingly competent. Philly looks like Chip Kelly might get fired.

  24. Fitz looked strong armed and accurate for over three quarters but he ended up looking Fitzy.

  25. That throw by Rodgers on the TD to Jones. Sweet Jesus. And then the improvisation on the 2 pt conversion. He's unbelievably good at his job.

  26. Jason Hatcher suggests the Skins get the crap calls because the refs are biased against the Redskins name. Far fetched but after today's game is a perfect time to go conspiracy theory.

  27. my cat just took the biggest shit i've ever seen from a domestic cat. it's like he's part tiger. i'm so proud of him. gonna post a picture of it on facebook.

  28. theo. the shit was as big as mo.

  29. Lots to work with in these comments.

    I had to explain the delayed pain felt by the balls to my wife. I did like the attention to detail that they were never at exactly the same level.

    That Jason Hatcher comment and explanation was nonsensical, but I am smiling thinking of Snyder's reaction to one of his own players drawing attention back to the name after it had not been a public issue for most of the season. I'm thinking there will be some sort of secret fine or extra wind sprints awaiting Mr. Hatcher on Tuesday.

    We have three cats ranging from 9 pounds to 25 pounds. Because the vet always insists that we collect stool samples incident to any visit, I have observed that the 9 pounder consistently outpoops the big guy. Maybe that's why he's so skinny...
