Sunday, July 06, 2014


Last week on the Bob Edwards Show, frequent contributor Paul Schomer (who runs the really cool Radio Crowdfund blog, which features bands and musicians seeking funding to make records, go on tour, and otherwise advance their careers) touted Invisible Homes. The Burlington, VT-based band (really, a one-man effort with a bunch of collaborators) just finished a successful Kickstarter campaign to finish mastering on their new record.

Since this will apparently be video week here at GTB, thought you might enjoy the band's work.


  1. for your rooting interest today, leesburg, va native and us naval academy grad billy hurley holds the 54-hole lead at the pga tour's greenbrier classic.

  2. I have no idea who will win today and all I'm rooting for is five great sets. Of tennis. I already have a great set of moobs.

  3. I feel like Djoker will win in 4 but I'm rooting for Rog. Let's get this thing started.

  4. Fed's wife was great in Best In Show.

  5. Looks like Posh Spice got her set reduced?

  6. did they just say that fed has only been broken once the entire tournament? that's preposterous.

  7. Yes. He's much more Greg Maddux than Randy Johnson at this point but he's not afraid to follow it in once in awhile and that confuses a lot of people because no one does that anymore. He's a crafty veteran.

  8. I didn't play as well as either of these guys yesterday. FYI.

  9. These guys are playing some very high level tennis, but it's not terribly exciting to watch two guys tee off from the base-line over and over. Someone come to the net already.

  10. I've been saying that ever since Pat Rafter retired. Not gonna happen much. Federer is your best option to catch a serve and volley point.

  11. z, you should bring your racket to obft. we could play some really hungover tennis.

  12. I miss Andy Roddick's "serve and charge" game. Terribly ineffective at times, but fun to watch.

  13. Roddick was always cataclysmicly confused at net, much like the first time I got in a girl's pants. Just all over the place.

  14. If Fed wins the tie-break, will kinda feel like he stole this set. He wanted nothing to do with Djokovic's service game for most of the set.

  15. Becker still rocks Puma gear like a fly German.

  16. double feature last night with Bacon Baking of World War Z and The LEGO Movie. both excellent. that "Everything is Awesome" song, though, won't leave my cranium. TR, did you say your kids watch that on repeat. that's gotta bring some hazing-esque flashbacks

  17. in non-breakfast at Wimbledon news, BaconBaking is whipping up some homemade blueberry pancakes right now. teej likey.

  18. ate two hot dogs yesterday, bringing my total on the year to four.

  19. I know more about The Lego Movie (and Legos as a whole) than any self-respecting man should. The day they are out of my life and my home for good will be a glorious one.

    And while we're counting weiners, I have a question. As some of you know, I am the Mariano Rivera of my boys' dinner tables. Unlike my wife (or most sane people), I am always running the numbers on the price of the food my kids leave uneaten. Organic chicken tenders are pricey and delicious. I house those. And hot dogs are in heavy rotation too. I house those leftovers with less voracity.

    So if I can count the partial weiners, I'm probably good for a dozen a year.

  20. does a half smoke count as a hot dog?

  21. You should try trader joes frozen chicken nuggets. Outstanding.

  22. That'll probably do it for Fed. Djokavic mugs like a pro wrestler when he's excited.

  23. Becker appears to have a Vidalia onion where his right elbow is supposed to be.

  24. Federers balls are no longer in his purse.

  25. He finally got away from that dink and dunk slice defensive horseshit and started stroking the ball. We might still get a fifth set.

  26. Cross court approach shots don't work.

  27. Let's go Rog.

    Colleague of mine runs the Volkl website for Boris Becker. Gets free swag and racquets at all times. Trying to get a free racquet of my own.

  28. Get one of those Becker polo shirts. Gangsta.

  29. The fourth set was so bonkers that zson shit his pants.

  30. That one made me lolz. Mon Rog.

  31. Making beer butt chicken in the smoker today. Thinking this will be delicious.

  32. Oh, it will be.

    Did a little car shopping with the wife today. She's a new car kind of person. I am definitely not. Think I swayed her some as I found a sweet used Audi A4 in our price range.

  33. Also, we watched World War Z last night too.

  34. New cars are a bad deal especially if you're risk averse and like expensive foreign cars! Certified pre-owned is not only cheaper but you know the car isn't a lemon because the dealer is willing to stand behind it a second time.

  35. Im so anti new car. Just a terrible investment.

  36. The bad travel vortex continues. I was okay with it in all honesty until the moment I reached for my kindle only to realize I put it on the charger for a quick boost and that is where I left it. Was supposed to fly out of whorlando to l.a.....left at 230 for a 650 flight. Orlando airport is about 100 miles from my house. (Wanted to fly direct if wondering why orlando) didn't make it due to traffic on 95 and 4.
    The book is from tr's recs--about a drug dealing dentist which is very good. This author is the bomb. And yes tr I did read Killing Escobar.....Also exceptional. So on top of my newly assigned middle seat I am bookless for the 5hour jaunte that leaves tomorrow and only cost 700 clams (not mine) to change. Fuckin racket.

  37. You could try mastubating to pass the time. Another of TR'a recs.

  38. If my seatmates fall asleep or get heavily into their books, that's pretty much a given.

  39. Masturbating on an airplane is no longer frowned upon, it's illegal. Since 9/11. Thanks a lot, Bin Laden.

  40. What if I have less than 3.4 ounces of sploodge?

  41. And you can find a book store at the airport, right? I understand the principle of having purchased a book or two already, but a five-hour flight is a big deal. Any means necessary to pass time.

  42. That just grinds my gears.
    John Grisham's Racketeer is in hand.
    Happy Monday.

  43. 6 year-old boys are assholes

  44. OK, sounds like someone needs to go get the new Rick James memoir and report back...

  45. Big day at G:TB. Big. Day.

  46. I think everyone is watching the potato salad kickstarter numbers grow.

  47. channing frye got 4/32 from the magicians. i don't understand the nba's economics at all.

  48. Rootsy looks like Cameron Frye.

  49. So the Racketeers...the character is a lawyer from Winchester, Va and on a street I once lived. It ends in Jax Beach.
    Once I arrived to the Winchester part, I realized I had read the book before. Womp womp!

    I'm in the desert of California. It was 115 degrees here today. I think we're now down to a comfortable 105 at 530pm.

    Big day here heh guys & gal?

  50. Nate Silver has a good analytics post about classic rock
