Thursday, April 17, 2014

Peeple Get Ready

This one is aptly entitled "Everyone peeps"
Earlier this week, as I prepared a memo for the G:TB staff regarding our participation in The Washington Post's annual Peeps Diorama Contest, it came to my attention that the contest was actually already over, and that the Post team had chosen winners.

I find this as much of an outrage as you do, but consultation with our lawyers reveals that we have a very tenuous argument on the facts, and that standing outside the Post's offices screaming, "I object" is more likely to get us forcibly removed than to get them to address our grievances.

So it is with great regret that I must inform you that, once again, we've failed to win. Next year, lads. Next year.


  1. Long read on Darren Sharper...with a Laycock mention and tons of details.

  2. I feel like this is at least the third time we've missed the peep diorama contest. Nice work by the tiny dictator.

  3. As it turns out, BaconBaking and I will be assisting LesboPeep with yet another peep diorama on Saturday, for a college theater class.

    Peep dioramas, apparently always relevant as school projects.

  4. No lie, I'm quite excited about helping.

  5. I actually used the Scopes Monkey Trial peeps diorama BB/LP did years ago in a grad school presentation I gave last night.

  6. of the peeple, by the peeple

  7. I am doing a grad school communications plan on organic food, trying to educate consumer about the positive attributes of organic and also get more consumers to eat organic. In that light, Jessica was kind enough to create this short SurveyMonkey survey (redundancy) – if you would like, fill it out. Please feel no obligation to do so, though. And if you wanted to share it with anyone and everyone, that would be cool too, but again, don’t feel pressured to. Thanks.

  8. the teej puts the 'ass' in passive aggressive

  9. Teedge touting organic goods? Since when?

  10. I filled out your survey Teedge. I would have preferred an opportunity to discuss the disappointed looks I get from the Whole Foods register workers when I tell them I didn't bring my own bags every single time I go.

  11. Geoff, you just want the world to burn, obviously.

  12. I just want to pay $10 for an 8 ounce container of cut up mangoes in peace. Is that so much to ask?

  13. Geoff needs some Publix in his life.

  14. The survey is going to overestimate intent regarding organic food purchases. The options are very binary (ie. either you buy organic at least once a week or you dont use or actively throw away).

    I think think there is a large group of consumers who buy the $10 tub of chopped organic mangos because it is easy. Those mangos could be blood mangos picked by slave child labor in a conflict zone and people would buy them if they look nice and are packaged well.

  15. yes, probably, but that's OK, because it is not the basis for my entire plan, merely a supplemental piece that goes in the appendices proving I did a modicum of "original research"

  16. 69 survey responses
    /freezes survey
    //takes screenshot
    ///gets A+

  17. pour some magically real stuff out for gabriel garcia marquez

  18. frank haith goes from mizzou to tulsa? that seems...odd. wonder how soon mizzou goes on probation.

  19. Hey all. Send some love Zman's way. His daughter Sansa Draper was born today.

  20. Nice! Congrats to Zfamily!

  21. great stuff....congrats Zfamily!

  22. I learned something unexpected this morning. Josh McCown can dunk. With ease.

  23. new post up celebrating zdaughter. in the sense that we assume she'll like basketball.

  24. Congrats Zman! Or really Zwoman.
