Friday, April 04, 2014

Happy Birthday To...

Today is April 4th, a day which brought us such luminaries as guitarer Mick Mars, baseballer Tommy Herr, linebackerer Jack Del Rio, magicer David Blaine, Joker Heath Ledger, & famed boogier Arthur Murray.

It is also the day that our own Doofus Overlord came into this world, naked and bleary eyed - much like Saturday night at OBFT.

In honor of the birth of Baby Tejus, we present this melange of Muppet clips, because who doesn't need some Muppet on their B-day.

Bert & Ernie Bust It (it never gets old)

Old Skool Muppet Show

Theme For Muppet Die Hard

Muppet Robin Thicke


  1. this is tremendous work, thank you, Marls

    i will be leaving the cubicle at 1130 for Nats home opener. should be good times at an overcrowded Nats park full of dudes who come for the craft beers and not the baseball

  2. that top clip, seriously, I could watch it for days

  3. I love you Teej. Happy birthday!

  4. Teej, if you could jam yourself in a urinal at Nats park it would save us all a lot of travel.

  5. I'll see if that horrific mascot Screech will do it for you.

  6. Dustin Diamond is the Nats mascot?

  7. You're not going to drink craft beer today?

  8. given the beer prices at ballparks, I drink the cheapest, largest beer available

  9. you will treat yourself to a half smoke with all the trimmings, though, right?

  10. Based on Marls' list Teejus is now my second favorite person with a birthday today. Sorry Teej. I just have too much history with Tommy Herr. And you don't have a sweet curly, blonde mullet.

  11. Also, if I had a video alarm clock (that'd be cool) I'd use the MOP/Muppets clip. It's perfect.

  12. The Bert & Ernie gangsta rap is still the best. Never loses its flavor.

    Teejus, happy bday, my man. Too bad the Nats can't play the Mets all 162 games.

  13. Happy Birthday Baby Teejus! Sounds like you have a nice day planned. Put a beer on my tab. Make it 2.

  14. Happy birthday Teej. Please take advantage of as many of the great food joints in the stadium as possible. And don't catch whatever strain of the flu Jordan Zimmerman has/had - sounds nasty.

  15. For your birthday, I'll give you a sweet curly blonde mullet.

  16. a half smoke with all the trimmings is legal in DC?

  17. Greg's not talking about a haircut.

  18. Happy Birthday Teej! I'll ask Cher and Pat Benetar to sing some birthday wishes for you at the big show tonight.

  19. Fuck you, Teej. You never got through the house. Your shake should've gone to Jeff Berman.

    Just kidding. Happy birthday.

  20. Jeff Bergman is the Mad Diddler.

  21. Intuition People's Pale Ale. You've seen it mentioned here before. To me, it is number 1.

    Glad to have some gtbrs in the masters pool....if you have not received email re the pool, let me know. Looking forward to getting beat by each of you.

  22. Watching American Pickers btw. How I roll.

  23. saw slats today at the italian store. bonding moment.

  24. How much does an Italian sell for these days?

  25. Only decent deli sandwich in northern Virginia.

  26. But I've never had a burger in the tri-State area like the one at the Cowboy Cafe. And yes, I've been to the places people swear by (Corner Bistro, Jackson Hole, and many more.)

  27. This doesn't count as a "Hey Gheorgies" b/c I'm only half drunk in a cab home from the airport, but I wanted to give a strongest white for Muscle Shoals, a kick-ass documentary about the history of the famous recording studio in Alabama. It goes back to Wilson Pickett and Aretha Franklin days. Anybody else not know that the backing band for Aretha's Respect was all white kids? Very, very cool picture of one slice of American music history.

  28. I'm extremely intrigued by that documentary. Will watch. Also, I consider Muscle Shoals and Newport News the two oddest city semi-major city names in America. I'm sure there is something I'm missing but....

    If Howie-in-the-Hillls was a city (Florida, of course) it'd be the obvious winner.

  29. Hey, Gheorghies can come from anywhere, TR, even a booth in a Times Square peep show. Good work.

    (That's not where I am.)

  30. I think Chevy Chase deserves honorable mention as a bizarro town name. (and as an asshole ex A-list star)

  31. It is national pickle week. Rejoice.

  32. Best burger IMHO is a cheesy western at the Texas Tavern in Roanoke. Rootsy can hook you up.

    Mine is bigger. My pickle that is.

  33. Headed to burger and beer fest at Heavy Seas Brewery in Baltimore today. Birthday 48 hours is fun.
