Wednesday, January 08, 2014

A request for assistance

Received in my inbox this a.m. Seems our diminutive dictator has not yet recovered from his inaugural trip to Vegas.
I'm gonna be useless on the GTB machine this week, so I'm calling on you to ride to the rescue. Do it for America.
Well, I ain't got shit of consequence for us (what else is knew), but in honor of this old man returning to school this week, let's cue up a clip.

And for no reason at all:


  1. i've recovered just fine, teejus, but my inbox hasn't. digging out of that sumbitch is gonna take some time.

  2. also, if you'd like to make some money this evening, the tribe is favored at home against a drexel team that beat alabama and had a 19-point lead over arizona. sure, the dragons have scuffled of late, but that line boggles me. on top of that, tim rusthoven has missed the team's last two games with illness and will be rusty (oh, yeah, pun intended) tonight.

  3. translated: rob is still washing stripper glitter out of his suits

  4. Biggio falls short with 74.8%. Torture. Piazza's pct actually went up.

    The BBWAA still annoys me. In part because "Baseball" is one word and these guys are purportedly writers. Fix the acronym.

  5. B.B. Waa is a Japanese bluesman

  6. Yeah, torture motherfucker what? I'll sew your asshole shut and keep feedin' you and feedin' you and feedin' you.

  7. From the slums of Shaolin, Wu-Tang Clan strikes again

  8. Rob...have you seen the w and m score?

  9. yes, indeed. i assume you bet the opposite of my advice.

    just had dinner with buckles and clarence. fond reminisces of some of your past hijinks, danimal.

  10. Didn't go opposite. Unfortunately.
    Wish I could have been there. I have to imagine those two will keep it going for a bit. A most certain Hi Gheorghies on the horizon.

  11. Rob advised that he wouldn't bet on W&M on Saturday (they covered) and he would bet against them tonight. The covered by a wide margin. Rob's too close to W&M basketball to be a reliable source of gambling advice. Also, he's dumb.

  12. these are well-established facts, mark

  13. I may have sought out Bodog b/c of Rob's comments and been rejected b/c of laws and what have you.

  14. wait . . . did rob actually go to vegas, or was it just that squirrel in the picture? sorry for being out of it.

    am i the only g:tb staff member that has never been to vegas?

  15. I thought Rob was the only gtb'r, and man over 40 for that matter, that had never been to Vegas. I know Dave very little, but think sending him there for a few days would produce some pretty good material. Does GTB have anything in its slush fund besides slush?

  16. Skins fans, welcome your 80% solution, Jay Gruden.

  17. Las Vegas would cause Dave's brain to explode.

  18. I've never been to Vegas either.

  19. I've been once. In no great hurry to get back there.

  20. Maybe Dave and I should go to Vegas together. We can visit all the natural history museums and libraries.

  21. Going to eat lunch at the Ultimate Jerk Centre tomorrow. Not sure if it is affiliated with George Costanz's Jerk Store.

  22. zman and dave in vegas would be some pathetic reality tv.

    this bridge scandal is fucking awesome!

    who will go to vegas first? zman or dave?

  23. anyone want to go to asbury park tomorrow night or new brunswick saturday night?

  24. Just for shits and giggles or is there a reason?
