Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dear Mr. Watterson

The greatest comic strip ever written careened like a lunatic comet from 1985 to 1995, and then abruptly ended, as its creator tired of the form and of the pressure to commercialize his creation. Now, thanks to Kickstarter, a "thorough celebration of the man's profoundly fun work" is coming to theaters in November.
a thorough celebration of the man’s profoundly fun work - See more at:
a thorough celebration of the man’s profoundly fun work - See more at:
a thorough celebration of the man’s profoundly fun work - See more at:
a thorough celebration of the man’s profoundly fun work - See more at:
a thorough celebration of the man’s profoundly fun work - See more at:
Dear Mr. Watterson, directed by Joel Schroeder, has been in the works for years. And it's a full-on celebration of Calvin, Hobbes, and the man that imagined them. Count me in.


  1. if you haven't done so, i encourage you to listen to the president's full remarks on the trayvon martin case yesterday.

  2. Calvin & Hobbes is the greatest comic strip ever? Hmmmm.

  3. I'm prone to hyperbole. but it's in the conversation.

  4. I won't disagree. The Far Side gets a vote. And Peanuts gets a pioneering type award.

  5. bloom county also in the discussion.

  6. I had rob pegged as a Family Circus guy. I second the Bloom County call.

  7. that billy really is a handful, z

  8. I'm partial to The Far Side. I really enjoyed the early years of The Boondocks too.

  9. WVU football player Korey Harris committed armed robbery while wearing his team issued sweatpants. That had his number on them. That's a powerfully stupid move.

  10. tiger and adam scott paired together tomorrow. i assume stevie williams will attempt to surreptitiously kidney-punch tiger at some point.

  11. anyone know how to make that video not autoplay?

  12. peanuts, calvin & hobbes, the far side, and bloom county are my favorites. i think a lot of people would say the same. i know i'm supposed to like doonesbury, but i never got into it.

  13. Dave always struck me as a Dagwood/Prince Valiant man.

  14. Dave actually likes Apartment 3-G and Mary Worth, but don't tell anybody.

  15. my neighbor's dad wrote/drew prince valiant. there's some cool artwork in that house.

  16. gheorghies, hello and goodnight. clarence, enjoy the rest of your evening. ni hao, danimal.

  17. Hey Gheorghies! Casting ballots:

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Clarence was censured at 2 in the morning. Rude.

  20. Nice "God dammit" scream from Tiger caught by the mikes. Classy.

  21. it contains a very rare "mary worth" in which she advises a friend to commit suicide.

  22. with my kids at a cooking class instead of parked on the couch watching the open. i must really love those little pains in the ass. and have a wife who doesn't comprehend the sports calendar. fortunately, looks like a pretty boring final round.

  23. Gift: Vampire Weekend covering "Blurred Lines." It's like they read G:TB.

  24. No opinions on FIGJAM winning? I might have otherwise been only mildly attentive, but the nextdoor neighbors served Bloodys and damn good BLTs in a morning event so I watched it. We live on Muirfield Road, so that was the inspiration. I know Shlara must've been disappointed with Adam Scott down the stretch, but it's nothing a Vegemite sandwich, a green can, and a nobby won't cure.

  25. So a second arrest in five weeks equals a 2-game suspension in Gainesville if you're a starter? Would be laughable if they don't tack on anything more.

  26. I think the arrest is kind of bullshit. He barked at a police dog. Is it stupid? Sure. Arrest worthy? Doubtful. I wouldn't be surprised if they charges are dropped.

  27. This is coming from a guy who had some experience with GPD. Like the time they charged me with drinking at a bar after hours.

    Bars close at 11 pm on Sundays in Gainesville. It was the bar I worked at and it was 11:45 on a Sunday. The cops sat across the street and were looking inside the bar with binoculars. It was me and four other people. 3 of which were fellow employees. The cops busted in the door like it was a drug raid. I had to stifle my laughter when the cops were writing me up as it was such a waste of time and resources.

    I showed up to court a week or so later. The judge read the charge, basically asked why the cop would even bother with this charge and dropped the charge.

  28. Robb's boy Kent Bazemore is on NBA TV playing in the Vegas Summer semi finals. As is former Virginia Tech forward Deron Washington. He's looking a little rough these days.

  29. I'll help shoulder the load in cheering on Kent Bazemore. Norfolk boys have to cheer these guys on.

  30. my daughter and i were the only two americans in our section at the us v el salvador gold cup match this afternoon. it was a pretty cool experience. crowd was at least 70/30 el salvador/us. 'course, landycakes and the boys quieted the crowd quite nicely.
