Sunday, March 03, 2013

Escape From the Pee-Ridden Ferry

Hello Mates. The tri-geeks will mark one off of the bucket list today. If you watch this video, you'll notice that this clip is from June of '11. Yes, this race typically takes place in the "heat" of the NorCal summertime, but not this year. America's Cup will be held in the city by the bay, marking us as red-headed stepchildren. But not a problem. The water will be a crisp 50-51 degrees rather than a balmy 54-55 and thus will probably don the full jammers vs. me little speedo! Will be hopping on the fairy...err, uh....I mean FERRY, at 0630 local time and jumpin in with the shaaks at 0730. It may come as a surprise to hear that it is common practice to relieve yourself in your wetsuit prior to a race. 'tis true though. But usually you're already in the water waiting for the gun to go off. Not so on the boat. So, rumor has it that the moments leading up to the start you might be walking atop a film of urine and not to be too surprised. Cool heh?

Despite having to walk in piss, this is one of the most popular triathlons in the world People come from far & wide to partake. A few races around the globe act as qualifiers. Many get in via lottery, as did I and a good buddy of mine from home. It's an odd-distance for those of you familiar with tri-sport. The swim is 1.5 miles with some helping current. This distance is longer than a half ironman swim of 1.2. The bike is 18, shorter than an olympic distance 25 - but it'll be hilly and very technical....lots of sharp turns. And the run is an 8-miler with a 400-sandstep climb at the 5-mile mark. So, there will be a great number of times throughout the day I ask - What the feck? The wives are here to root us on and wipe the snot off our noses as exit the waters of the San Francisco Bay, making the pain slightly more bearable. Oh, and there's the after party followed by a couple of days wine bonging. 


  1. wine bonging sounds fun. go get 'em, danimal.

  2. can't believe we missed a chance to have a dave/kq birthday weekendpalooza. maybe in 7 years. cheers to both of you.

  3. HAPPY BIRFDAY KQ!!(and Dave). Wine bonging and butt chugging to commence shortly.

  4. woman here at great wolf has a prominent tattoo that extends above the front of her bathing suit. looks like a mass of unruly pubic hair. questionable tat placement.

  5. Just about to hit my first Spring Training game of the year with my Dad. Cardinals-Nationals, some time with my old man and a few beers in the sun. Good times.

  6. Temperature is in the 50s today. It was in the mid 80s last weekend. Spring baseball is less enjoyable when the temperature is in the 50s. And the afternoon beers are significantly less refreshing. Still drank them though.

  7. Let me call the wahmbulance for Mark and his 50 degree weather.

  8. It was cold. I'm not built for anything under 60 degrees.

  9. Serve Ibaka just punched Blake Griffin in the nuts. Dirty. Suspend the shit out of him.

  10. Oh boy. Danimal, after reading that submission and viewing the accompanying video, I can't think of anything I'd like to do less than the Alcatraz swim.

    The Mich-Mich St. game was fun down the stretch.

  11. It was. Trey Burke's step of Appling at half court was quite clutch.

  12. Calling the water cold and the bike course hilly.....almost. The sights were outstanding. Terrific race but mile for mile extremely taxing. I took a bath today if that tells ya anything. Word has it there was a death out there.

  13. great. now we'll never get clarence to do it.

  14. Congrats Danimal. I still think you tri-guys are insane.
