Monday, November 19, 2012

Good seats still available

The Wizards still haven't won a game. That's 0-8 to start this year...oh yeah, they began last season 0-8 as well. Splendid work, folks.

Anyway, Washington hosts the Indiana Pacers tonight at the Verizon Center. Tipoff is 7 p.m. Tickets still available, starting at...$0.44 a piece.

Geoff's bubby Roy Hibbert will be in the house for the Pacers, in case you needed a reason to go and watch a woeful, winless Wiz bunch on a mid-November Monday night.


  1. Aloha from the Maui invitational. Butler vs Marquette about to tip off. I'm sitting in the midst of the Butler boosters behind their bench. They are a rowdy group!

  2. Marquette's center is built like a linebacker

  3. Gym is the same size as my high school. It gets really loud in here. Butler fans traveled to HI. The team looks a little lost--they may spend the rest of their week on te beach. Too dependent on the three, whih isn't falling. I do like their hustle though. Marquette is big, and not great but Butler making them lok good

  4. Vajazzling, really? Slow news day I see.

  5. squeaky, that craze has been around for awhile...and in fact discussed here at GTB (i think)

  6. Brad Stevens looks extra young in the golf shirt--could be confused with a team manager. He's screaming at the refs a lot which is the only cue he's a coach

  7. Butler also has a nice pick & roll play but can't seem to score--cutter seems flustered when the ball lands in his hands and he misses the easy layup

  8. Butler not backing down and ties it up on an NbA distance 3ptr

  9. I'm so jealous of Shlara being at the Maui Invitational. The one early season tournament I'm determined to attend one day. I came home to do some work from home in the late afternoon and turned on the TV to discover it was Maui Invitational time. Awesome. The quality of teams and atmosphere in the aforementioned tiny gym make for a very appealing product. I'm sure Maui doesn't hurt either.

    And, win or lose, Butler won't spend the week on the beach. All teams entered at Maui are guaranteed at least 3 games.

  10. Neither team brought their pep band so they both have songs recorded and LCC is playing them over the sound system during TOs. And lots of Carolina fans showing up for game 2

  11. Coach Roy and the Tarheels just entered the gm

  12. Gym.

    And this second half is more even. Lots of physical play. Both teams a little sloppy, but both playing hard. No one exhibiting the laid back aloha spirit today

  13. I was just about to comment that I was even more jealous of Shlara because she'd watched such a well played game. I watched all of the 2nd half.

    Scratch that, I'm unbelievably jealous because she watched a really well played game that ended on an insane buzzer beater.

  14. OMG that was awesome!! If I could take a good picture I would have captured the Butler bench pile on

  15. Vajazzling always comes up on the Ghoogles, and that's because we wrote a post on it two and a half years ago, Squeaky. That is weak . . . Weaky.

  16. Wizards lose again. Eh, maybe we can hang with Gheorghe for even cheaper this year.

  17. rotnei, definitely not a name. and that shot, preposterous.

  18. They had to get Rotnei to stop me cuz you know what ... we woulda tore this muthafucka up!
