Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pinch Hitting

At Gheorghe, like everywhere else in the 'sphere, we often pause to acknowledge the passing of those folks whom we have enjoyed for whatever reason.  The G:TB roster is filled with cinema enthusiasts, and so we tip our caps to recent departees Richard Dawson, Andy Griffith, and Ernest Borgnine.  Even people who weren't necessarily onscreen but brought us love stories that generated interest for Shlara or Rob (Nora Ephron) or interesting stories of degenerates the rest of us love (Henry Hill). 

Somewhere in our diligent pursuit of such acknowledgment, however, we missed one.  (I blame the interns here at Gheorgherica.)  Someone who contributed directly to comedy film greatness, if just once . . . and if very indirectly.

Pinch hitting for Pedro Borbón . . . Manny Mota (Mota . . . Mota . . . Mota)

Pedro Borbón closed out his final inning on June 4.  Here's to Pedro, a damn fine reliever in the Big Red Machine years, and here's to Manny Mota (who's alive and well), for reasons that are obvious.

One thing that always bothered me, though: Pedro Borbón and Manny Mota were never teammates, not once.  I thought perhaps that they might have played on the same NL All-Star team, but Borbón never made one.  Manny Mota never could have been called upon to pinch-hit for Pedro Borbón.  I mean, do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked... in the head... with an iron boot? Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens. Sorry, that's a dumb question... skip that.


  1. That is some fantastic sports snobbery/pedantry.


  3. I'm liking the more in detail pieces lately.

    Can't believe Chelsea is trying to bring the Hulk aboard.

  4. squeaky thinks this is a 'more in detail piece'. the soft bigotry of low expectations alive and well in gheorgheland.

  5. As Clarence would say, 'I have low everything'.

  6. just entered a contest to win bob mould tickets sponsored by a magazine catering to the dc gay community. i'll keep you apprised of the interesting new spam i get.

  7. yesterday was the 75th anniversary of spam.

  8. One of the benefits of being in the entertainment industry is the opportunity to change one's given name. That's an opportunity Bob Mould should've taken.

  9. He coulda been the next "Bob Mold".

  10. Jerry, since Bob Mould helped form the band Hüsker Dü, I'm guessing commercial accessibility and aesthetically pleasing names were never atop his list of priorities.

  11. The name, "Hüsker Dü", comes from a kids board game.

  12. Also something left on the crusty old Dean's porch by Lawrence Phillips.

  13. So I'm sure none of you guys have seen this video but it's pretty cool graphically and some of you might like the music. It's NSFW and I'll warn you of hairy armpits and indie pop music. Avoid if you don't like either of those things.

  14. Bad news. The fog's getting thicker.

    And Leon is getting laaaaarrrrrger.

  15. Hairy armpits? Like Brooklyn hipster chick hairy armpits? EWWW!!!

  16. i need a hashtag for teej's wedding so i can tweet the festivities. he doesn't like #doofuswedding.

  17. #doofuswedding has some legs. Run with it, tiny. It might've been the "Bride fo Doofus" crack that sold me

  18. Just saw the danimal comment


  19. United airlines and Newark airport suck.
