Friday, July 13, 2012


This is how I choose to picture the various participants, guests, and hangers-on attending this weekend's nuptial festivities as they descend upon the Nation's Capital:

And this is how I choose to picture the Teej at this very moment:


  1. everybody's conserving energy to tomorrow, huh?

  2. Not me, Rob. Drinking my first beer of the weekend whilst sitting in the Charlotte airport. Stella, tasty.

  3. Ending my first trip to Raleigh. Cool city. WKNC is fly.

  4. found a great radio station in minneapolis on my trip this week - public radio 89.3, the current. top notch, top notch.

  5. i'm getting up at 5:00 am tomorrow to run 11 miles in preparation for #doofuswedding. i hope i can stay awake through the ceremony.

  6. Zman- 9th Wonder used to host a Saturday might show on WKNC. Don't know if he still does.

    Rob- seems like you travel to Minneapolis pretty regularly with your new job. You should check out Fifth Element. It's a record store and the HQ for Rhymesayers Entertainment, home of Brother Ali, Atmosphere and a number of Murs' projects.

  7. I'd suggest hydrating post run, Rob. I see much drinking in your future.

  8. Mark is droppin science like gallileo dropped the orange.

  9. bodyglide procured, danimal

  10. good luck teej! wish i could be there.

    hopefully, i will be able to jam your fat head into the bowl at the martha wood.
