Saturday, July 14, 2012

#doofuswedding 2

Congrats Teedge. Everyone at G:TB wishes you continued happiness.


  1. Congrats to you and the soon to be Mrs. Teejus, Teejus. How is everyone feeling this morning? The Dubliner I would imagine is grande.

    Hopefully Rob will not have his bloody nips w him this evening. That would be kind of weird.

  2. plan to leave my nips at home, danimal.

  3. Overserved last night. I met Mark but remember almost nothing so it will be like meeting him all over again. Much to his chagrin.

  4. very quiet around here today. calm before the storm?

  5. Here comes the story of the Teedgicane.

  6. i wish i could see clarence's second "pleased to meet you" moment with mark.

  7. In Outer Banks, day drinking in honor of the wedding I can't attend. Or in honor of my love for booze. Hope you clowns have fun tonight.

  8. So I played guitar in the best wedding I ever attended. And hit on girls that have known me for decades. Teej rules. And life is good.

  9. Pour another one before bedtime for Mikayla Catherine.....born a few drinks ago.

  10. Congrats TJ. Got to go check the hash tag timeline on the old tweet machine for some good stories.

    Danimal, congrats as well. Is that two or three now?

    Big news weekend for G:TB.

  11. The Knicks signed camby and Kurt Thomas is a possibility. Next signings: herb Williams and Charlie ward.

  12. man, wish i was there-- clarence on guitar? what happened to your saxophone . . .

  13. Apparently today is zanniversary. Who knew?

  14. thanks squeaky - she is the 3rd.

    hopefully z figured out the anniversary thing before this morning.

  15. teej - where/when honeymoon? i know in ireland - 1 or 2 specifics would be wonderful.

    how happy is rob that he got his long run in yesterday? unsolicited advice - do at least a couple in the condition you are in today....great for the mind when done.

  16. zanniversary is tomorrow. Neither I nor zwoman knew for sure. We had to check some documents to verify. So no one is in trouble.

  17. big ups to danimal for keeping the species going. just put two large bloody marys into myself - the nap that's coming will be epic.

  18. ireland is a good place for teej-- pale people who like beer and bad food.

  19. The wedding was great. Met Clarence, Marls, Ted, Denny & many others. Had a blast and actually made my flight this morning. Great success!

    Congrats to both Danimal & the ZCouple. Big weekend for G:TB.

  20. Also, solid use if International Player's anthem on this post, Z.

    Three stacks, three stacks.

  21. Jason kidds veteran leadership is already paying dividends. He crashed his sclade into a phone pole while wasted in the hamptons.

  22. Apparently Kidd was really, really drunk. Like fall down drunk. Their are photos of him being carried out of the club by his friends.

  23. is it worth it to buy a certified used car?

  24. "hey everybody..."
    /dr. nick riviera voice

  25. Certified used cars are the safest way to guarantee you get a "good" car. They are usually off of a lease so the dealer performed all service and knows if it's a lemon or not. That's why they'll give you a warantee. My last two cars were certified and I got good very deals on them. A new Japanese car is a safe proposition in terms of reliability, but you're taking a big loss in depreciation after you drive away. A used Honda with 30,000 miles will easily last another 120,000 so in my opinion save a few thousand and buy certified used.

  26. I concur with zman. My car is a certified used car and for me the warranty protections more than offset the price difference from what the car would have gone for on a used car lot. Just do some research on the various programs offered by each manufacturer. Some are better than others: Volvo, Hyundai, Toyota, and Honda all get high marks.

  27. thanks-- i am looking at a used toyota minivan, and the certified cars at the dealers are a bit more, but sounds like it might be worth it. of course, i am buying a minivan, so i'll probably be committing suicide in a year or two, so maybe it doesn't matter . . .

  28. minivans are badass. don't listen to the haters.

    mark, what's the name of that store in minny you recommended?

  29. CPO is a better deal than new and safer than bareback used. Minivans a practical. Thats all I can muster in their favor.

  30. badass, zman. they're badass. mark's got a tattoo of one on the underside of his left arm. badass.

  31. In the same sense that hemorrhoids are badass.

  32. i was just at a bar about 6 blocks from there. good job by me paying attention.

  33. also, the mall of america is a gloriously disgusting monument to american-style capitalism. it's mesmerizingly obscene and awesome.

  34. Go to Carmax Dave. Got two cars there and haven't been disappointed. Even with my fancy German convertible. Sorry you're buying a minivan.

    And, as a Wizards fans, it pains me to say this but LBJ is so much better than every other player. If the US team wins a medal, it will be because of thim.

    The crowd did boo LBJ (left over from the Cavs days) and Coach K (this is Terps country) in the intros. Obama and Biden sat in the VIP seats in my section. Lots of active service military there too. Very cool game--the team almost ruined it--it's like they were trying to lose. I think there's just bad mojo in the wizards locker room. We need an exorcism or shaman or voodoo ceremony to fix it.

  35. All this AND she drives a convertible?!
