Sunday, June 17, 2012

Apropos of Nothing

On this Father's Day, enjoy this trailer from Line of Sight, a documentary about a worldwide series of bicycle messenger races known as alley cats. I assume each of the people involved had a Dad.

Also, Happy Father's Day.

LINE OF SIGHT - Official Trailer from Zenga Bros on Vimeo.


  1. Howard Dean's stylist is a crackhead. Dean is suddenly a brunet.

  2. Kind of a headscratcher the firing of guns here no?

  3. Rodney King....dead.

    And props to Barry O for 100 rounds of golf played during his reign thus far. You rock man.

  4. USGA reads GTB. The hole on 16 was moved in for the final round. I assume they only moved it one yard.

  5. Ernie looking a little more Frankensteiny than usual.

    Tiger is toast. Rooting for 5hr Energy but think Graeme wins it.

    Z...did you say something about the other 17 hole positions bc they changed those too.

  6. Ok....Harrington w the 2nd worst ensemble/sponsor. Quite awful.

  7. why can't all the games start at eight? this is awesome, and i may make it until the third quarter . . .

  8. hossler's shirt would go well with the u of texas zubaz hat the teej wore to the nats game today

  9. web simpson and his manboobs are winning this thing. and on the 18th anniversary of that other simpson thing, it'll solve everything.

  10. It's weird watching live golf at 9:30pm
    Nice, but weird.
    Would be more fun if Adam Scott played better this week.

  11. You're watching golf instead of Heat-Thunder, Shlara? I'm shocked and saddened. I believe Sam Presti would be as well.

  12. ohhh, that's cold blooded

  13. I still think graeme wins it. Really hope I am wrong.

  14. why? what's wrong with graeme? other than how he spells his name?

  15. Nothing at all mate. Just rooting for America. Fuck yeah. Plus I had Webb in my pool.

    Furyk shat himself on 16 and just can't wait to change his drawers.

  16. Can't wait to not hear Johnny Miller.

    O m g. Furyk just puked all over himself. Get him the fuck outta there!

  17. Graeme is so clutch. He makes these like it is his job. Oh wait. It is his job.

  18. Mark--I'm watching both at the same time. Sam doesn't need to worry--I'm not abandoning him.

  19. webb is charlie. charlie is webb.

  20. i made it 96% of the way throughthe heat-thunder game and then fell asleep for the final minutes. how does anyone watch golf at 9:30 at night?

  21. watching golf at 930/10/1030 in my home was a new experience and one that i don't care to repeat anytime soon. i had fully planned to just watch on dvr today but just couldn't pull away. and am glad i didn't, otherwise i would not have seen this happen live...

  22. so i rarely do two sentence in one day, but i just got back from paddleboarding on the raritan river and i have two words: vin markazian.

    anyway, it's too long to explain here, but check it out, i just had a ridiculous riparian adventure.

  23. i like that as a title: ridiculous riparian adventure . . .

  24. clemens innocent, still a dick.

  25. i have more vagina-related content on the way, in case anyone needs to plan.

  26. R.A. Dickey is an amazing story. Probably worth a GTB post for the unfamiliar. I'll work on that.

  27. So, traveling for work really sucks. Third trip of the month. Fourth city. Second week in a row that the hotel is sold out--which means tonight I'm in a meeting room with a roll-away bed. And there are no real curtains on the windows. Not good times.

  28. Are there no other hotels? No curtains sucks especially if your windows face east. Go to the bar and see if you can shack up with someone with curtains.

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