Monday, February 13, 2012

They made a G.I. Joe 2. And the RZA is involved.

We'll start the week with a Valentine's Day gift idea for several G:TB staff members. RZA's set to play a sensei known as the Blind Master in G.I. Joe 2 this summer. The Wu Tang impresario got to design his own costume, which includes a wide-brimmed hat with blades coming out of it. Protect Ya Neck, indeed.


  1. Didn't feel like this post was worthy of a title, eh?

  2. I assume he is Snake Eyes' mentor?

  3. Title is almost as long as the entry.

    How about 'G.I. Joe. RZA. Enough Said'.

  4. I thought this was part of a new one-time-only recurring feature called "title this." I'm in favor of anything involving the RZA except Birth Of A Prince.

  5. How 'bout you suck my balls?

  6. I see TJ's salty balls are on the menu this morning.

  7. I was trying to dig up the Cartman yelling at Mr. Garrison clip for you, but settled with text instead.

  8. As Chef and/or Akinyele would say, put 'em in your mouth.

  9. to dave's sod, i just went through the whole re-fi deal...signed the papers a week and a half ago. it was more troublesome than when i had done so in the past, and apparently is about to get worse. so if you're going to do it, do weet now. got a nice rate though so i got that goin for me.

  10. Interest rates are pretty ridiculous. Any folks out there who know they aren't moving in 2-3 years owe it to themselves to make the call. You may pay $5K upfront, but you could easily make that up in less than 2 years if you save $250/month in interest payments. That's almost two eight-balls!

  11. Or 71 boxes of girl scout cookies.

  12. Mmmmm, Girl Scout Cookies. 8 boxes of them were waiting for me when I arrived at my office this morning. Best $28 I've spent in a long time.

  13. I bet Jeff Withey's nickname is Whitey.

  14. "Octagon of doom" sounds like a collabo between mf doom and Kool Keith.

  15. any home refinancing tips? i always feel like i'm out of my depth.

  16. get 2-3 quotes. my best one came through a broker. was able to get all closing costs wrapped up into the loan - did not have to come out of pocket. went to a 15-year and am not spending a great deal more than i was w/30-year.
