Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Billy Ray Valentine's Day

Holiday filler, at its finest:


Also, late Editor's addition. Happy Birthday Gheorghe:


  1. Evening plans for all you lovers?

  2. In a related note, I finally got around to watching 50/50 last night. Pretty damn good, though I was distracted by the amount of dust build-up in the room where I watched it. Thanks, Shlara.

  3. One of the "my lovers" skits...


  4. Advice I took in the past 24 hours from the book titled "zman's Guide to a Successful Marriage":

    Awesome ways to start a conversation with your wife include:

    1. Did you fart?
    2. We're not exchanging gifts for Valentine's Day, right?
    3. You look homeless in that coat.

  5. Your next wife is gonna be a lucky lady.

  6. learned yesterday that alcohol makes performance evaluations much easier to take. thanks, beer!

    also, question related to the refi topic. my real estate holdings are underwater - not terribly so, but there's water above the roof line. am i fucked for now, or are there options?

  7. depends on the lender - you may be hosed and w/no options...unless of course you can come out of pocket the amount required to get your loan:value ratio to where the lender needs you to be. also, if you can get a couple of appraisals you might get lucky - it's amazing how much appraisals can vary depending on who's doing it. nutty examples in my 'hood. someone in your 'hood has recently re-fi'd - find out who and start digging.

  8. thanks for the advice, danimal. being an adult is really boring at times.

  9. Robbie - the key is how much equity you may have left in the house after the new appraisal. If you still have enough that it's 20%of the newly appraised house price, then you should go for it.

    I have a buddy who bought in NJ and has great credit, but he can't refi b/c comps in his development are going for $100K less than what he paid, meaning a good chunk of his equity is gone. He's stuck with a rate that's probably 1-2% higher than market rates now.

    My wife and I have been married for less than 6 years, but we've managed to buy 3 homes and sell 3 homes in that time. Long story, but the point is we've done this dance a few times.

  10. igor - like zman/woman, my wife and i have strict no gift, AND no card policy - one of the many reasons i love her so. i will bring home a nice din din though, much of which will get thrown on the floor by the 1-year old.

  11. Re: terminal disease films...If you're looking for a side-car to "50/50", check out a film called "Restless". It came out this year as well, and has a quirky alternative vantage point. It stars Dennis Hopper's kid (who looks eerily like his daddy) and is directed by Gus Van Sant. It's brilliant in how it dances around the seriousness of the subject matter without ignoring the obvious... also has a sneaky good soundtrack like a lot of his films.
