Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Post-Quake Muppets Shenanigoats

We here at G:TB would like everything to return to normal post DC earthquake, so here is some hipster group called OK Go, which I'm sure some of you donks love, doing a remix of the Muppets Theme Song, because, unbeknownst to me, there is some new Muppet movie coming out starring Jason Segel. Can't Hollywood leave anything alone?


  1. Statler and Waldorf stealing the show as usual.

  2. Whitney & rob do have their moments.

  3. Bob Stoops wife is hawt.
    what team is espn going to showcase next year? Talk about your recruiting advantages.

  4. I shot my goop on Mrs. Stoops.

  5. Danimal, you think Texas having their own network might help them recruit a bit?

  6. In my opinion the All-Access show is only a slight recruiting advantage at best. All the top 8-10 programs get so much exposure that every potential recruit in America are well aware of them. Just my opinion.

  7. Teej - yes, of course it will. I wasn't watching the UT Network when i made the point. (because it isn't available yet) I was watching the All Access program on ESPN.
    How much of an advantage it is - who knows. My opinion is that it is at a minimum, "slight" and likely more. Blue chip recruits with full intention of staying near their homes in NJ/CAL/OR/FL might think differently after a couple of episodes. It will be a short-term boost unlike UT's deal.

  8. hell, if they just showed mrs. stoops a little more, they'd do quite well.

    anyone ever forget to brush their teeth before heading to work?

  9. Scientists have made the most precise calculation yet of the number of species on Earth, determining the total to be 8.7 million.

    Previously estimated by mere educated guesses at a wide margin between three and 100 million, scientists calculated 8.7 million (plus or minus 1.3 million), a number they call "the most precise calculation ever offered"

    A. I'd love for me to be allowed by off by 1.3 million and still be the most precise ever.

    B. Which is the very best of the 8.7 million species? Homo sapiens. Fuck yeah. Hey, other species, I defy you to mount an argument to the contrary. (Mr. Ed doesn't count.)

  10. Btw, this video supports the new Muppets album: http://goo.gl/zVTkV

    I'd bet there might be a few more videos in the near future from the album.

  11. For Mark:

  12. Isn't "Shenanigoats" the name of Billy's band?

  13. That's the name of his solo act, Billy & The Shenanigoats.

    The original trio was simply The Shenanigans.

  14. so this is ybor city, huh?

  15. I just booked a room for the Florida-Bama weekendin October. So I'm going to see Florida take on Bama & Auburn, at minimum. Good lord I'm excited for college football.

  16. Feel free to join us in Gainesville for the Bama game, Dan. My old roomate Berto will be in tow. That alone will make it worth it, just ask TJ.

  17. That guy Berto is from another planet...an awesome planet of insanity.

  18. I bet the jacked guy in the Ab Roller commercial didn't get jacked by using an Ab Roller.

  19. Any if you who feel that Dave is an intellectual snob, feel free to go over to SoD and take him down a peg.

    Anyone who thinks he's a goofy, hairy, Jersey idiot who's fun at parties . . . Well, you're right.

  20. New Rich Hil video available online. Track is called "Be Here" and is even more awful than you'd expect. Google it if you want to see his moobs again.

  21. shlara, i assume you caught this:

