Monday, August 22, 2011

One More Reason Why You Can't Hate Brian Wilson

Anybody watching The Franchise on Showtime has seen a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff on Brian Wilson. Instead of loathing the man as a Rodman-like egomaniac, I find myself rooting for the guy even more. He's just a dude who realizes how ridiculous it is that he gets paid so much and has no need to behave normally. He works his ass off and he seems to be genuinely liked by his teammates. And by the men in the Castro district.

But we're not here to write on sports. We're here to provide links of endearing physically challenged guys who have become internet sensations in videos featuring cameos by baseball personalities like Brian Wilson and Cody Ross.

And this video isn't meant to give Rob any Halloween ideas, but he could ride on the coattails of this internet sensation (79 million hits and counting). He just needs to grow the hair out and get some goofy glasses. And keep it real in front of the camera.

Update: this fine, fine blog entry was written after Wilson was put on the DL, so the vailidity of the Gheorghe: The Jinx hypothesis does not hold here.


  1. Brian Wilson is a tremendous douchebag.

  2. Sounds like somebody hates spandex tuxedos...

  3. Of course you can't hate Brian Wilson. Mike Love, however, is as loathsome as anyone.

  4. i'm wearing a suit. in tampa. in august.

    this place is a hellhole.

  5. It appears Hurricane Irene is going to cut my vacation in Myrtle Beach short. And Mark, I think it is missing you altogether...

  6. rob - go to Byrne's and get a steak. You'll feel better.

  7. or rob, your elitist preferences might warrant an evening trip to sarasota.

    good news on irene heading more north than more northwest, for mark and i anyway.

    teej - finish your vacay up in beautiful moore county, could have some fun up there and it's just far enough inland that it'll only be a little breezy

  8. "Lil Breezy" was TJ's nickname in college.

  9. you virginyans have an earthquake for reals? should i turn on the news?
    a fuck, i'm too busy. and lazy.

  10. My building shook but I thought that was because of the clowns remodelling the apartment next door. Apparently not.

  11. 10-20 seconds of shaking really freaks some people out. Some woman came running by all the offices on the hall telling everyone to evactuate.

  12. Hope all the VA G:TB'ers are ok. People in NYC are running around like pansies.

  13. sounds like premature evactuation to me

  14. The NYC panicking is all a guise for folks who want to bag out of work early and get drunk. I left my office building to go to the gym, only to find it wa closed. I am now chugging 3 greasy slices of pizza. That got out of hand fast for me.

  15. rob is going to be upset that he missed the Earthquake of 2011

  16. pace yourself tr - apparently more to follow. do you own a bike helmet? if so, you should put it on. trust me on this one.

  17. Apparently, not even a significant quake in his domicile is enough for Wheelhouse Jerry to come out of his blogging hibernation. What will, Jerry? What is a big enough deal?

  18. i really am quite annoyed that i missed the earthquake. apparently my office closed for the day, as well. i could've been daydrinking.

  19. Though I probably would've freaked a bit, working on the tenth floor of an all-glass building and all, I too am sad I missed the earthquake. But, lucky me, I get to try to outrun a hurricane at the end of the week as I speed up I95 Cannonball Run-style.

  20. Counds like a job for...Da Da Dum...Captain Chaos

  21. Earthquake filler posted...
