Friday, June 03, 2011

No Metal Up Your Ass or Anything Else Friday

I love this song. It makes me think fondly of the summers of my youth and the fruitless time spent with women therein. And it's right on point with the weather lately, making it an integral part of my walk-to-work soundtrack. TJ will carp that the video is too weird and will throw a "fashion is dumb" tag on this post but that's fine with me. "Summertime Clothes" makes me immune to grumpiness. Hopefully it will put you in a good mood for the weekend.


  1. looks like the good Lord assisted dr. kevorkian in coming home today.

  2. also, last night marked the second consecutive evening i fell asleep with less than 5 minutes to go in the 4th quarter of an epic sporting event.

  3. or third period, whichever.

  4. I don't actually watch any of the videos posted here. Not even the ones I post. My OC-ADD takes over.

  5. That intro led me to believe we would see an LFO video.

    Sadly, this was not the case. In the summer. In the summer.

  6. accepting wagers on the heat in 5?

  7. TR, gift:

  8. That was TR my man...and it was probably before the comeback.

  9. ESPN's Courtcast feature, if accurate, is a really cool way to see the difference between clay and grass court players. Everything Nadal hits comes in high and deep and drops late with crazy spin, while Murray's shots are short, flat, and angular.

  10. Rob, I was able to keep my eyes open (barely) for the end of the game but then promptly feel asleep on the couch and woke up at 5am feeling miserable.

    Go Wiz-Mavericks!

  11. Falling asleep last night is far more excusable than willingly turning the game off, which I bet about 60% of the viewing audience did. Even I started reading emails on my laptop once the Heat went up 15. That didn't last long though. What a game. Of course, i was so excited by the finish I couldn't get to sleep for another 45 minutes afterward.

    That's okay. I'm off at 1:30 today and I'm meeting my family at a resort in Orlando with a sick pool/slide/lazy river combo. Drink will be in hand by no later than 3:30.

  12. donnie walsh leaving the knickerbockers. hellllooooooo, isaiah?

  13. federer is whipping djokovic's ass. didn't see that coming. pardon me while i go take a nap and miss the epic comeback.

  14. 7 of the last 20 majors ended with a Federer vs. Nadal finals, but I'm surprised too. I didn't think they'd both make it.

  15. Djokovic is barely hanging on in set 2. If he breaks while down 5-3 and then wins his service game to make it 5-5, we are back in business.

  16. freddie coleman has a unique gift more mangling the english language

  17. yeah, that could've worked better

  18. Or Ronnie Coleman?

  19. Gary Coleman? Dabney Coleman?

  20. Dabney Coleman references...this place is the best.

  21. Who was greater in their prime: Dabney Coleman or Martin Mull?

    It's a touch choice between two stache-tastic comedic actors.

  22. Cloak and Dagger puts Dabney over the top for me.

  23. sorry to break up the fun (derrick coleman!), but shaq's replacement is featured in the new post above.
