Friday, June 17, 2011

Another Mr. Beane Movie

It's summertime, and the livin' is easy. Baseball is in full swing . . . and the Mets are already out of contention, so summer movies about baseball will have to suffice.

Okay, fine, autumn movies about baseball. I'm curious to see if anyone thinks this film will entertain. A cinematic version seems generally implausible, but the trailer intrigues me just enough . . .

but it would have been a better Hollywood ending if Jeremy Giambi slid . . .


  1. Philip Seymour Hoffman as Art Howe? Sold!

  2. It's nutjob Friday here in dc apparently ...

  3. speaking of nutjobs, i'm wearing a new pair of adidas boxer/briefs the girls gave me for my birthday. i'm feeling very supported.

  4. also, the us open iphone app is tremendous. it's like having a tiny television!

  5. I'm might not even be exaggerating by saying that Phil's round wouldn't have been any worse if I had hit all his tee shots. And I'm not a good golfer.

  6. Thanks for the testicle update Rob!

  7. fortunately for dustin johnson, he won't have to worry about his nerves in the final round this year.

  8. Further proof that squirrels take extraordinary care to protect and store their nuts.

  9. rory just jarred his approach on the 8th to go to -10. kid's unconscious at the moment.

  10. I know hockey is over but this has to be the best hockey coach ever.

    "Just because you're dressed like the gimp, doesn't mean you have to play like the gimp"

  11. If the media insists on saying Weiner's wife is beautiful, they should put this clarifier in:

    "...if you think women who look like Middle Eastern transvestites are beautiful"

  12. I have Rory in my pool which means this will end soon. Chris berman- how do they let him continue to do this?

  13. Rory McIlroy is disrespecting Congressional. Now 13-under.

  14. For the 1st 35 holes, I'm not sure I've ever seen anybody play better than McIlroy. 300+ yard drive down the middle of the fairway. Approach to 5-15 feet. 1 or 2 putt. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat (except on the pars 3 and 5). If anything, his score could've been a few strokes better. Almost all of his pars were tap-ins and he barely made any low percentage putts.

  15. Post round interviews said it all.....if tigger ever gets back to form we could have something quite special.

  16. So is this movie gonna be any good or what?

  17. Golf channel is my friend this weekend. I am writing about this U.S. Open for SB Nation DC all day today and tomorrow.

    What the fuck was I thinking?

  18. I have no idea who Webb Simpson is, but he's 3 under through 7 holes so far today.

  19. The Swedes are coming, the Swedes are coming...

  20. If afternoon thunderstorms don't come today, quite a few guys are going to shoot absurd rounds.

  21. I just upgraded my phone from an ancient Motorola Razr to an iPhone. It's a bit different.

  22. Impressive hold out there zman. You should try some sliced bread next.
    Rors having a nice steady start today.

  23. Okay, what is the deal with that tiny putter?

    (reminiscent of bedroom conversations of yesteryear)

  24. Maybe the teej can enlighten us w some investigative reporting for next post.

  25. No more writing for me today. Perhaps tomorrow ...

  26. Any word on the Boehner Barry Battle?

  27. lee westwood setting himself up nicely for another bridesmaid's dress

  28. The razor never broke and I used my work blackberry for email. now it is all in one place.

  29. this is pretty remarkable stuff from mcilroy

    /stating the obvious
