Friday, May 20, 2011

Remain Calm. All is Well.

"Our planet is mortal. It's middle-aged and some day it will die."

So says Michael Moyar at Scientific American in an attempt to quash the doomsday theories of Harold Camping. The 89 year-old Camping is at the forefront of the movement declaring Saturday, May 21 to be the beginning of the end of times.

Me, I was kinda hoping for a more definitive and uplifting message from the debunking community. Shame, too - I was kinda looking forward to tomorrow morning's EPL games. Guess I'll hunker down tonight with a bottle of Louis XIV and put Blondie on the turntable.

See you all on the other side.


  1. I have many (crackpot) theories about many (assinine) things, and one of them is that I don't trust anyone's musical taste if they don't like at least one Blondie song. Blondie's shit's infectious and can even form the basis for a banging hiphop track:

    And thus my trust in rob's musical taste is justified.

  2. Furthermore, May 21 is the zsister's birthday, and I haven't gotten anything for her yet because the world is supposed to end so why spend the money?

  3. I need to go dig up the epic Simpsons "Rapture" clip/episode...

  4. I'm glad you avoided the easy REM reference. I was never a fan.

  5. Blondie put Fab 5 Freddy on the map! Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Just saying...

  6. I just bought a pair of tix to take my 3 year-old to his first baseball game. We are heading to see the Newark Bears, an independent team that has always featured prominent has-beens (Canseco brothers, Carlos Baerga, Rickey Henderson. Tix are $10, the stadium is 20 minutes away and they sell beer.

    I am more than excited for the game after perusing the web site. The team's manager is Tim Raines and its coaches are Ron Karkovice and Jim Leyritz. I can't wait to teach my boy how to make coke and murder taunts at them.

    And as if that wasn't enough, I just found about the "Honey Bears." Give an A+++ to the guy who came up with that nickname. Link is below. Unfortunately, one of these dancers is not like the others.

  7. I bet that at least two Honeybears have scars from bullet wounds.

  8. Tim Raines will likely be more drunk than you during the game, TR. at least he was when he was managing the A ball team in Florida that I used to work for.

    Also, I should've know Z would beat me to the "Step into the World" reference. Total banger. Though as much as I dislike Puffy, I actually like the remix better. Track is sick. Own it on vinyl.

  9. Music people, what do we know or have heard about this new Beasties album?

  10. At times is sounds like Handsome Boy Modeling School, other times like Shitake Monkey. Does that help?

  11. Dan the Automator and Prince Paul-esque, eh?

  12. The first Handsome Boy or the second? Imo, the first was drastically better.

  13. Looking the big hip-hop brain on Teej...

  14. The googles may have helped me on that one...

  15. Buy the album. Good stuff.

    If you like Automator style, you should pick up Dr. Octagon and Deltron 3030 too. Two really good concept albums produced by Automator.

  16. I am familiar with Bob the Builder, but not Dan the Automator.

  17. Is he Nick the Dick's brother?

  18. You need to get "Music To Make Love To Your Old Lady By" by Lovage.

  19. Dan the Automator is the brain behind the Gorillaz. You know him even if you think you don't.

  20. On a different topic, if you want to come really close to crying, read the article in the newest SI about the tornado in Alabama. Heartbreaking stuff.

  21. TR: some guy ate 252 slices (i.e., 2.25 pounds) of pepperoni in 6 minutes last night to win an eating contest. I think you could do that in 5 minutes flat.

  22. In case ya'll missed it, Macho Man Randy Savage died in a car accident today. Ooooooh no.

  23. this pretty much guarantees a mucho macho man win in the preakness. call your guy asap.

  24. Get out of my head, rob. get out now.

  25. it's like pan's fucking labyrinth in here

  26. Slim Jim stock will plummet.

  27. that's a tough thread to follow-- but i do like dr. octagon and dan the automator (and dr. octopus).

    and zman, i question your eschatological logic: if the world is going to end, shouldn't you spend the money on a present and give it to her early?

  28. just checked. eschatological is indeed a word and it does indeed mean what i think it meant.

    A+ for me.

  29. also, whit, i heard the almighty yojo is back in the studio and he's using some of your interview . . .

  30. Did and English teacher just pat himself on the back for his knowledge/use of the English language? Just checking.

  31. My jokes typically involve making fun of myself by using bad logic, sorry if that one eschat the bed. But merging Dave's logic with my greed, I should spend the money on myself before the world ends.

  32. I had no idea that Leaping Lanny Poffo was Macho Man's brother.

  33. i pat myself on the back for all sorts of things i am required to to do: you should hear me brag when i get back from costco.

  34. i can't believe it took me this long make this connection, but it's now clear to me that iggy pop is the inspiration for dave's vocal style. oddly, for almighty yojo's, as well.

  35. Shame on you, Zman. You should've known that. Since you don't seem to know your WWF facts, let me clarify one more issue you may have: Uncle Elmer was not a true relative of Hillbilly Jim.

  36. i certainly sound more like iggy pop than i sound like bowie . . .

  37. Bowie you resemble in other ways.

  38. not as much as mcgrant.

    rumor has it he slept with bowie.

  39. There are many reasons why you should be jealous of my excess of flowing body hair, but a drawback reared its ugly head last night: an ingrown nipple hair, which is not fun to reconcile.
