Wednesday, September 08, 2010

TJ and Mark made a music video?

Remember Wiz Khalifa? I think TJ directed his latest video and Mark produced the track.


  1. Exciting news: The Charlottesville, VA City Council voted "to let city residents have up to three miniature goats at their homes," as long as they weigh less than "100 pounds each and be dehorned, and all males must be neutered" (Charlottesville Daily Progress).

  2. So Joyner is pledging again at UVA?

  3. Yeah...its all about pussy...or at least that's what Joyner told me.

  4. Do the Ghetto Boys get royalties for this song?

  5. I remember Sammy Khalifa . . which makes me wonder when the next installment of the baseball card list is coming.

  6. I think Wiz Khalifa's name is an homage to Sammy Khalifa.

  7. I am an *ahem* dope producer.

  8. TR, sign up for the damn fantasy league already...

  9. That Somali Pirates garb...I need that.

  10. My fantasies do not and will not include you, The Teej.

  11. d-train and Marls, league info sent to you as well.

  12. So is the Taylor gang, a smoking pot club like a book of the month club thing or a shoot'em up type gang?

  13. Doofus Overlord AND pesky commissioner. Somebody's Outlook calendar is stuffed to the gills today.

  14. It's like Naked Club in college.

  15. That was a reply to Squeaky's inquiry on the Taylor Gang, but upon relfection, it's a comment on life.

  16. I just sat through a videoconference with people in Boston who were very concerned about Tawm Bwady's car accident at the corner of Cawm Ave and Glawstah. They concluded that the person who hit Tawm "must have been a New Yawkah" because there's no way Tawm is a bad drivah. I suspect it was Paci who hit Tawm.

  17. so what is a "taylor"? i looked it up on urban dictionary and it did not fit the context of the song.

    anyone want to go out in new brunswick tonight? half priced appetizers at doll's place from 5-7. we'll be celebrating roshshananananah.

  18. It's a reference to the Taylor Gang. I'm not sure if that's is his entourage or if it includes other rappers (sort of like the Native Tongue Posse or the Elephant Six Collective).

  19. what did 50 cent's grandmother say?

    G unit?

    if you haven't seen the new feeature at "sentence of dave" (i now title my posts) then today is the day. best title ever.

  20. I think the joke is "What did 50 Cent's grandma say to him when he made her a sweater?" Gee you knit?

  21. I love when Dave self-promotes his belated forays into what everyone else has done/had for years. I am titling my blog posts now! Come see! Like when he finally got a cellphone last year, and it made all the papers.

  22. I think Dave should change the title of his blog. Because now you get a title and a sentence of the day.

  23. We can't all be MRSA headline grabbers.

  24. I've actually downloaded quite a bit of music from Wiz Khalifia and Curren$y based on Zman's thought that I'd enjoy hanging out with these fellows. And I have to agree, some banging tracks and a little different style too. I like. Maybe they'll come hang out with us at the G:TB summit at Jazz Fest in '11.

    Champagne and lemonade, bitch.

  25. Dave, I am guessing this is the talk of the faculty lounge:

  26. i knew there was more to that joke.

    how about this one: how long does it take to microwave an . . . forget it.

    christie is insane. i took a pay freeze last year plus there is another year and a half for younger teachers in our district and we had teacher cuts. if he kept the tax in place for people making over 400,000 dollars a year, there would have been money for education, but the rich are his constituency. and, obviously, fire and police, who make more than us and have far better benefits and pensions. don't get me started, i'm trying to enjoy roshashahshahsnaanahshah.


    This guy...seems like a real cut-up...

  28. I implore you to watch that clip. Its the greatest thing that these eyes have witnessed.

  29. Dave - the public employees have received benefits for a long time that are so wildly off the charts from what the private sector receives that it's about time they dealt with a bit of pain.

    You may have a pay freeze. But you also have your job. And tenure. Christie is not a rich man's governor. He's a bulldog who is trying to wrestle the budget into control. He will likely overstay his welcome soon, but he's doing some necessary bloodletting.

  30. Yep. I'm buying what Chris Christie is selling. The points he makes in that clip regarding the modest concessions the teachers union refused to make are pretty compelling.

  31. "Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell Randy Gonzalez...."

    Methinks Phil Davison is really really tired of living in a van down by the river.

  32. Greg...if we locked you in a room with two handles of Beam and an eight ball and then shoved you on stage to give a political stump speech, you'd still be more composed than that dude.

  33. Phil Davison is the absolute best.

    Watching him reminds me why public speaking instructors videotape their students in the "before" section of public speaking lessons.

  34. Isn't one of his degrees in "Communication"? And he's been a public servant for 13 years? I kinda want to go to a Minerva town council meeting if he's there. But I won't go alone, somebody has to come and laugh with me.

  35. I will laugh with you Greg. Can't go this weekend--headed to FL for a Koran burning. Next weekend?

  36. Hold the fucking phone...there are even more Tea Party fuckfaces taking over my work block starting tomorrow?


  37. About 15 comments too late on this, but hearing the name Wiz Khalifa reminds me of the band name the Scissor Sisters used when playing a surprise gig in NYC a couple years back: Queef Latina.

    Does it get better than that? I don't think so. Carry on.

  38. Yes...the tea partiers are staying at all the hotels by my office. Sharp dressers...

  39. That video really made my day.

  40. Greg, the Koran burning just got canceled, so I'm available to go to Ohio this weekend. Please advise.

  41. OOOOH!!! A bachelor's in sociology!!!

  42. Albert Einstein has issued one of my most favorite quotes in the history of the spoken word and it goes as follows:  IN THE MIDDLE OF OPPORTUNITY...EXCUSE ME IN THE MIDDLE OF DIFFICULTY LIES OPPORTUNITY!!

  43. on the COUNTY BALLOT!!  I have been a Republican in TIMES GOOD AND TIMES BAD!!!!

  44. This Auburn-MSU game has gotten pretty fucking good down the stretch. I love the SEC.

  45. Mark - I'm watching the replay on ESPN, and you're right, that game got good. Not sure I'm liking MISS ST's playcalling down the stretch. 1:09 remaining right now.

  46. Brett Favre doesn't look right at all. The trajectory and pace on his balls looks different - they aren't lasers like they were even last year. He also didn't look as happy-go-lucky; looked more like he was going through the motions.

    I'm going to feel really badly for Favre if he/the Vikes have a bad season - the guy was begged to come back and it looks pretty obvious that he's not 100% happy he's back.

  47. Hey, Greg, watch it -- some of the smartest and coolest people you have ever met were Sociology majors.

  48. I'm going to feel really badly for Favre if he/the Vikes have a bad season - the guy was begged to come back and it looks pretty obvious that he's not 100% happy he's back.

    Mayhugh...please tell me this was in jest?

  49. Igor, name two. Besides yourself.

  50. I need to brag about my academic credentials at Stark County Treasurer nomination sessions.

  51. According to the American Sociological Association, here are some famous Sociology majors:

    Brett Schundler, mayor of Jersey City
    Rev. Martin Luther King
    Rev. Jesse Jackson
    Cardinal Theordore McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington, DC
    Ronald Reagan (double major in sociology and economics)
    Emily Balch, 1946 Nobel Peace Prize winner (a social worker and social reformer)
    Francis Perkins, social reformer and former Secretary of Labor
    Michelle Obama, wife of Barack Obama
    Saul Bellow, novelist
    Regis Philbin, no-talent TV host
    Dan Aykroyd, actor/Blues Brother
    Igor, Gheorghe blogger
    Robin Williams, actor/comedian
    Paul Shaffer, bandleader on David Letterman Show (and before that, Saturday Night Live)
    Dinah Shore, singer
    Ruth Westheimer, the “sex doctor”
    Alonzo Mourning, Miami Heat
    Bryant Stith, Boston Celtics
    Brian Jordan, Atlanta Braves
    Joe Theisman, NFL quarterback
    Eric Bjornson, Dallas Cowboys
    Bobby Taylor, Eagles cornerback
    Ahmad Rashad, Sportscaster

  52. Nope, totally not in jest. He doesn't look right - even his self-introduction during the lineups seemed flat and un-Favre. His body language and expressions seemed different last night, like he's not totally in to it/forcing it.

    I'm giving the guy the benefit of the doubt that he really wasn't sold on coming back this year and his ankle really was/is bothering him, and that possibly he came back for reasons not totally personal. I personally don't want him to go out on a 20+ interception, 7-9 season, when I think he might have been satisfied walking away after last year but for a sense of obligation to the team.

  53. That said, when Favre plays the Packers, I'll be rooting more heavily for Rodgers.

  54. A few things about the Soc majors list that amused me...

    - The ASA added in the "no-talent" to Regis Philbin, that wasn't my work.

    - The ASA ordered the list not in alphabetical order but in order of importance; hence, the mayor of Jersey City appears before Dr. King and President Reagan.

    - Theismann spelled wrong. Just kicking him when he's down.

    - Igor has done work in the Francis Perkins building in DC. Coincidence?? FRANCIS!!!

  55. Wait a minute, you did not add those comments after the names? The site did it.

    I only see 3-4 smart and cool people on that list. Famous != smart and cool.

  56. People who use != to mean ≠ are way bigger losers than anyone on that list.

    Except Paul Shaffer.

    And Bryant Stith.

  57. Wait how long have you known me? Yee-ha!
