Friday, September 10, 2010

Guess Who's Coming???


Tropical Storm Igor Threatens to Become `Monster' as Season's Peak Looms

Igor, downgraded from a tropical storm to a depression off the Cape Verde Islands, is still forecast to strengthen into a hurricane as it moves across the Atlantic and may become a “monster,” forecasters said.

Igor, with sustained winds of 35 miles (56 kilometers) per hour, was about 155 miles west-northwest of the islands and was moving northwest at 20 mph, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said in an advisory at 4:30 p.m. East Coast time.

It’s still expected to become a hurricane in three days, the center said.

“Igor is going to be a monster, it will live up to its name,” Joe Bastardi, chief hurricane forecaster for AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania, said today.

(Joe Bastardi then lived up to his name by punching a fellow meterologist in the mouth, taking a whiz in a planter in the lobby, and storming out of AccuWeather HQ.)

Igor's a monster, baby.


  1. Earl scoffed at Igor. You saw what happened to him.

  2. Headed to a beer and bacon fest in Baltimore tomorrow.
    -Health Food Nut


    Yeah, that's right, NHL tattoo sleeves. Dumbest sporting goods accessory?

    Bacon and beer fest sounds good. TJ, enjoy and bring your extra colon and liver.

  4. surely to be some hotties at that fiesta


  6. I can not get enough of the Davison video. The nuances really come out in the third viewing. Like the high pitched whimper he makes at the 1:48 mark when he first realizes he botched the Einstein clip. Or the 8 second gap between words after saying he was a Republican in times good and times bad. Or his enthusiasm that one person in the room said "drastic measures" like it was the answer to a difficult riddle.

  7. Can someone give me the backstory on this Koran/Quran/Qu'ran burning retardation (or add anything interesting)?

    All my feeble brain has been able to surmise thus far is that it's a guy named Terry Jones who was not in Monty Python, and although he has a bad-assed handlebar mustache and he scheduled the event from 6-9, he's not a particularly cool dude.

  8. I sent that video to my brother and he said, "It looks like Davison lives in a van down by the river". Yes. Independently of me.

  9. What if a bunch of fundamentalists deleted .pdf versions of the Koran? Would there be riots? I think there would be riots.

  10. Igor: Terry Jones' church is a tiny, 50 member congregation near Gainesville. He and his wife are being investigated for running an ebay furniture sales business out of the "church" they have. He's generally considered to be a loon. Local authorities monitor him. He ran a "No Homo Mayor" movement recently to protest Gainesville electing a homosexual mayor.

    Unfortunately, our constitution allows people to behave like bags of douche, so there's not much we can do, other than ignore it. In fact, if the entire media ignored the event, the impact would be minimal.

  11. Even better would be to surreptitiously insert "Jesus Rules" and "Allah Sucks It" throughout the passages of the Koran. Then, during services, those phrases would accidentally be uttered. What egg on their faces that would be!

    I get all my best ideas from Anchorman.

  12. "In fact, if the entire media ignored the event, the impact would be minimal."

    tr has bingo

    also, finally watched the davison video. by far the most impressive element of the entire thing is the dearth of audible guffaws from the audience. and that nobody seemed to vomit from motion sickness while trying to track him.

  13. "dearth of audible guffaws" should be the name of a band.

  14. It's a song by Lincoln Bedroom off their album Root Chakra Taint.

  15. And thank you for the scoop, TR. That's basically the prejudicial opinion I had for Rev. Jones. (Is he any relation to Rev. Jim Jones?)

    T-minus 6 weeks until they uncover a Cub Scout molestation skeleton in this guy's closet, right?

  16. Since I don't live in NYC, I had no idea there was a war going on there.

    Thank god, this Japanese animated video straightens everything out for me.

    And yes I am a little bored at work today.

  17. igor, like davison, majored in sociology.

  18. that marshall loss was as big a nutpunch as i can imagine

  19. On my way out the door for the UF-USF game but have many other thoughts...

    I like South Carolina over UGA (would've even if AJ Green was eligible) and Oklahoma over FSU. I think the media is overreacting to both of their openers. I alos think the media has officially gone too far with the "there's no difference b/w Mark Ingram and Trent richardson" angle. I've been driving the Richardson bandwagon since last year but Ingram is special. Bama will miss him tonight but not enough to make a difference.

    I'm very excited for OSU-Miami. Two (imo) overrated QBs but two guys who are compelling stories. Keep your eyes on Cam Heyward (DE:OSU) and Allen Bailey (DE/DT: Miami).

    My lady has her bridal shower today. I'm completely free all day. What a fucking turn of events.


  20. Quote of the day, nee year, just said by a 400 pound baltimoron to Work Jerry here at the Bacon and Beer fest:

    "This is is the greatest 9/11 celebration ever. Muslims don't eat pork and don't drink."

  21. One more thing: BJ Daniels scares the shit out of me.

  22. Duke/Wake 35-all at the half? Um, ok.

  23. Marcus Lattimore. Who are you and why are you so good?

  24. He was the #2 rated RB in the nation last year. And yes, he is a BEAST.

    In other news, I was prepared to drop comments on G:TB all day today but nobody's here. No D-Train, Rob, Mayhugh or anyone else and the Teej is only visiting sporadically. Looks like I'll be feeding the Twitter machine.

  25. hi mark! i spent some time outside with my kidlets so i didn't feel so bad about sending them upstairs to watch a movie while i watch osu/miami.

  26. Mark, sorry I'm late, I was brunching with my parents. I'm ready to rip. To start, I think this Notre Game - Michigan game could have a combined 60+ points. I'm just feeling that vibe.

  27. sooooo, that boise state victory over tech seems a little less impressive, no?

  28. Far less impressive. OU-FSU is going to have a combi Ed 70 points. Terelle Pryor still can't pass and Florida managed to make me relatively happy today. For further info on my thoughts to this point, consult Twitter box.

  29. And by the way, kids and parents...ick. Glad I don't have either. Football is my family.

  30. Says the guy getting married.

    So, if Tech loses more than 4 games this year, and Boise goes undefeated, do they still get in? I don't think so.

  31. Early impressions:

    Miami can't run for shit against OSU.

    Ryan Broyles is a great WR. FSU better plan on scoring 40.

  32. Every time I watch Jacory Harris I like him less.

  33. Um, there are quite a few 3:30 games of interest...I'm running out of "favorites" slots on my remote.

    BYU/Air Force is on Versus, by the way.

  34. Every time I flip over to the FSU game there is a false start. Guess I should just watch the other two major games.

  35. Fucking Irish...stop being so sloppy. D-train, you seeing this?

  36. Other two? Mayhugh, there appears to be at least 4 games of worth on right now...maybe 5...

  37. It's out of hand how many of these games I care about. Terelle Pryor's TD pass was very impressive. Never been a big fan of his but that was nice, and the game between OSU & Miami is shaping up nicely.

  38. And baseball is on Fox!!!


  39. Hahahahaha!!! Fuck you Noles. Might've gotten a little too excited after that win over Samford, huh? Your D is still terrible.

    Nick Montana is in the building!

  40. The VERSUS channel remains hidden from me, so I'm sticking with the major networks and the worldwide leader. I think I've settled on watching OSU-Miami. Seems the most entertaining.

  41. I caught the Montana sighting...

  42. Hell of a return by Travis Benjamin. Special teams are killing OSU. Very unlike a Tressel team. Benjamin is definitely my fave Cane. He'd be great in Floridas offense.

  43. I can't say enough bad things about Time Warner cable right now. I can't get CBS (US Open Semi's), NBC (Michigan/ND), or ABC (OSU/Miami). Just a black screen on all three channels.

  44. Scratch that, I have OSU/Miami on ESPN. But the guide feature is broken too so I don't know what's on any particular channel. Bitter.

  45. In case ur keeping track, Denard Robinson is on pace for approximately 20,000 yards rushing this year.

  46. because gazelles are found in africa?

  47. No, because you hate black people.

  48. Run DMC would like their schtick back, Denard.

  49. FSU fan: We're back!!!

    Me: um, no. You're not.

  50. that's not very nice, thomas.

  51. Blame the bacon.

    And/or the beer.

  52. so it's safe to say the acc is even more mediocre than usual, no?

  53. fog:tb buck is making his maiden voyage to the shoe today. fun game to watch.

  54. Jacory Harris thinks he's Jake Delhomme

  55. odd playcalling by tosu at the end of the half here

  56. WOW. Big pick by OSU. Always fun to watch a slow guy trying to take it to the house.

  57. I'd like to point out that I totally called Jacory's 4th pick. Vitas as my witness. It might be time to accept that Jacory Harris is a shitty QB.

  58. And just like that, Miami is hurting. I've never been that big on prior but he's been pretty stalwart today.

    And don't look now, but Notre Dame is starting to eat up big chunks of yards.

  59. Mark - agreed. Jacory has tunnel vision. He doesn't see anything to the sides, or behind for that matter, his target.

  60. For the record, I couldn't be enjoying the Miami and FSU implosions more. Today is a good day.

  61. Brian Kelly's hair cut is about 50 years too young for him.

  62. Seriously, ACC should no longer get a BCS bid automatically.

  63. Mayock is a terrific analyst.

  64. F Jacory for ruining the Miami game. It could've been really interesting if the Canes had scored instead of turning it over. Cane Lover must be crushed.

  65. Aside from their D, Michigan is playing like a bunch of Keystone cops right now. Don't know if anybody saw the punt returner get bowled over by his own man before the ball landed.

  66. All the need is Shemp in a Wolverine uni.

  67. By the way, I'm openly rooting for Harris's 5th pick. 5 seems so much worse.

  68. Lots of eggs in the PSU-Bama basket.

  69. Not feeling Texas-Wyoming, eh?

  70. That uniform clash might be worse than Browns-Bucs.

  71. Might be looking at a decent ending in the ND-Mich game.

  72. ND knows how to lose late...good gracious...

  73. At least michigan is helping them keep it interesting.

  74. Dayne Christ failed Hail Marys.

  75. I mean, after that play I'm kind of pissed I didn't spend those 6 seconds on King of Queens on TBS instead.

  76. Alabama is allowed to have Rhodes Scholar candidates?

  77. The Tide are looking pretty cromulent on offense early.

  78. Penn State might be in some trouble.

  79. bama just went down the field with an empty backfield. somewhere, the bear is shaking his head.

  80. Despite generally sucking, ND consistently plays extremely entertaining games.

    Oregon-Tennessee might be better than this Bama game.

    McElroy is going bald by 30.

  81. What happened to the Tennessee game?

  82. Musburger has a hilarious body. Like a right triangle.

  83. Jer - Ollie Williams told me it was LIGHTNIN'!!!

  84. Tennessee...bunch of pussies.

  85. Nice to have VMI to kick around. They still owe us for tearing Cook's MCL in 97.

  86. I'm not overly impressed with Bama's D. Trent Richardson on the other hand...

  87. on a little vacay w/friends & fam outside of charleston
    go dukes
    nd - only thing good about it is jmu win - way to avoid the INT on that last play...what a douchebag.
    buck's maiden voyage to horseshoe was last year vs usc
    if jmu wins out, they should get a bcs bid
    missin you guys like crazy
    blood is half bourbon

  88. Late to the party, ladies, but glad to be here. GTB on iPhone sucks with 100 comments on a post. But I want you all to know there is still room on the Stephen Garcia bandwagon. Git some.

  89. "blood is half bourbon" must be considered for a 2010 G:TBy Award in the "frattiest comment" category. Teejay, write that down.

  90. And don't forget to peek in on Clijsters on CBS. She lives in my a $720K house.

  91. I feel your pain, TR. I have initiated a new post just to avoid the same fate with my iPhone. Oregon and Tennessee are really fucking us with this lightning delay.

  92. Not a new post tonight. But I've done it before...oh hell.

  93. Coach Paterno says "we're not going to win this game."

  94. If we ever actually had the CFB Fatnasy draft, and I was awarded the #1 pick. I decided last week I would take Denard Robinson. I wish we'd had that draft.

  95. Clijsters hits harder than Chang or Krikstein ever did.

    In other news, Time Warner managed to get CBS from a blank screen to intermittently showing the women's finals. I say "intermittently" because I can't spell and because every 2 minutes it freezes for 30 seconds. Not a lot of flow to the match, at least from my limited viewing.

    I have to drive to Queens tomorrow to get a new cable box in order to watch football. Have I ever told you how much I hate Time Warner Cable?

  96. You know what I just remembered?

    I fucking hate Tennessee.

  97. The thought of Florida having to play at Tennessee next week makes me sick to my stomach. I wish I was joking.

  98. Saying a team needs to find its identity is really cliche, but it's very much true in the case of Florida. They have enough talent to win most of their games. They just don't know what the recipe for winning is yet. I think they got a little closer to figuring it out today.

  99. Speaking of fantasy, I think Case Keenum was the #1 guy. This week Houston had 6 rushing TDs and one passing the backup QB in garbage time.

  100. Herm Edwards is doing the LSU/Vandy game. So awful.

  101. I'd agree with your sentiment on Florida. I continue to like Mike Gillislee at tailback and am encouraged by the possible emergence of Carl Moore, Jordan Reed and a couple of others.

    Keenum wouldn't be eligible because he doesn't play in a BCS conference.

  102. Tennessee has a tailback named Tauran Poole who already has 100+ yards against Oregon. The story is that he was clearly better than Bryce Brown last year but Brown got time as the #2 back b/c Kiffin had promised Brown time during recruiting.

  103. Damn you TJ. Last year is only BCS and Notre Dame.

  104. without looking it up, name the seven deadly sins. for extra credit, how many did teejay commit today?

  105. How about "last year it was only BCS and Notre Dame"?

  106. If the league ever occurs it will be add some flavor to have guys like Keenum scoring 69 points in a week.

  107. I have no beef with the new rules in this fictional league.

  108. Dubbya eating cracker jacks at Yanks/Rangers game...

  109. agreed that this is a bit of an indifferent performance for the tide defense. like they know they can turn it up when they have to. dangerous precedent.

  110. i don't remember a bama team with more talent across thr board at the skill positions.

  111. every time richardson hits somebody, they go backwards

  112. Ripping VMI is a bit like mocking a kid with Downs, isn't it?

    And Clijsters was a monster tonight. Amazing performance over a cute Russian with a weird rack.

  113. as jerry noted, we owe vmi for what they did to mike cook. i always enjoy it when we drub those fuckers.

  114. I was not aware that VMI had a football team.

  115. Congrats to DC Jefferson for a big first half TD tonight for an anemic Scarlet Knights squad.

  116. Why are the Yankees wearing fucked up hats?

  117. Tennessee has certainly shit the bed in an appropriately predictably way.

  118. Was this Oregon-Tennessee game ever close? I can't remember.

  119. Watching USC/UVA. Better game than you woulda figured. Trojans WR Ron Johnson -- does anyone else think of Fast Times, or am I stuck in pop culture hell?
