Monday, July 14, 2008

Givin' Him the Bizness

So I'm watching Yo Gabba Gabba with the girls on Saturday morning, sucking down coffee in an unsuccessful effort to clear the wine-induced cobwebs from my head, when what should pop onscreen but the most excellent children's segment this side of They Might Be Giants' Podcast for Kids?

Boys and girls, I give you Biz's Beat of the Day. Teejay will soon be recreating this for G:TB.

Bpfff haah, bpfff haah, bpfff, haah, indeed.


  1. If pathetic desperation happens exclusively on children's programming, is anyone there to see it? This appears to be Rob's purpose in the world...

  2. This makes me want to have children.

  3. Rob, you probably know this, but They Might Be Giants also do some stellar work on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The Hot Dog Song is really catchy.

  4. pathetic desperation? that's artistic genius, my friend. you need a bit more silliness in your life. apparently biz' beat of the day is a recurring segment on yo gabba gabba. children all over the nation are burnishing their beatbox skills courtesy of noggin.

    and tmbg also contributed the theme song to 'higglytown heroes' among other notables.

  5. whoa. according to the miami herald (via the big lead), billy packer's out at cbs. this almost makes me happier than biz's beat of the day.

  6. Biz makes me smile. It's the kind of smile you have when you watch kids compete at the Special Olympics, but it's a smile nonetheless.

  7. Can we bring back the comedy rhombus?

  8. To the jackass who wrote that "we'd love you see you as a Buc, Brett" in this morning's Orlando Sentinel...go get fucked.

    And, Biz's beat of the day makes me happy and sad all at once...

  9. it makes me completely happy. i don't get the sad. biz is spreading his message of joy to the youth of the world. and i'm quite sure he's still producing music and actively touring, so he's doing the beat of the day for fun. at least that's how i choose to see it.

  10. The Biz is very Gheorghe. He writes rhymes about picking his nose and taking a dump (which he re-made as an ad for Pepto-Bismol that got a fair amount of spins on NYC hiphop radio).

    Don't feel sad for Biz Markie. He makes money teaching infants how to beatbox while we punch a clock.

  11. Greg doesn't remember Biz because he was stuck in Germany during the height of Biz's run. Such a sad, empty childhood...

  12. i thought greg was just asking the big, important metaphorical question of the day. teejay's working on a response.

  13. The answer, as always, is Pez.

  14. rob, remember, I'm busy working on that letter bomb you want to send Fav-rah...

  15. send it to those jackholes who protested outside lambeau this weekend, instead.

  16. I hope everyone had a chance to see Stephen A. go bonkers over the Favre was actually quite compelling TV.

  17. Nope, missed it. I was too busy trying to bomb the set of ESPN's First Take which today included the one and only Skip Bayless debating against (wait for it)...Nelly.

    How do things like this happen?

  18. what was the topic - how hot it is in here, or st. louis sports?

  19. Also discussed:

    - Would you, in fact, like to take a ride with me?

    - Why must it be the money?

    - What makes somebody a "St. Lunatic"?

  20. I'm surprised the topic of "C'mon Boo, gimme kiss" was not brought up.

  21. I was truly disappointed as well Greg.

  22. I'm sure Skip felt Nelly deserved an Oscar for his performance in The Longest Yard remake.

  23. i swear to God, if this inbev acquisition of anheuser-busch squeezes more small brewing companies out of the market, i'm firebombing brett favre's tractor.
