Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas from GTB


  1. Merry Christmas to all...and somebody get Tony Dungy a defense, because what I saw today was a debacle.

  2. Not that I need to remind anyone (other than no-neck Merril Hoge), but Vince Young is awesome.

  3. Did anyone else catch Colt Brennan throw for a measly 559 yards and 5 TDs last night?

  4. Do folks think Colt Brennan is for real-for real, or, like David Klingler and Farmer Ted, is he the king of the dipshits?

  5. And he has neither a car nor a license.

  6. I'm not sure what I think about Colt Brennan, other than that he's a rapist (allegedly).

  7. Mike Tyson, a glutton for punishment:

    Tyson faces DUI, drug charges

    Associated Press
    Dec. 29, 2006 06:36 AM

    Mike Tyson was arrested for driving under the influence and possession of cocaine after police stopped him leaving a Scottsdale nightclub early today.

    Sgt. Larry Hall said the heavyweight boxer was stopped after his car almost struck a sheriff's vehicle while leaving the club at about 1:45 a.m.

  8. Well, Mike Fratello is now available...let's start Tyson's Posse with the Czar of the Telestrator.

  9. I would give Fratello the Buckwheat Fro with pick...

    So bored indeed....

  10. Wow, did anyone realize Jeff McInnis is still in the NBA? He's apparently on Nueva Jersey...

  11. All that is true about McInnis and it goes farther. NJ is refusing to release him out of spite so he won't have a chance to get picked up anywhere else. Which continues to confirm all the lovely things we've heard about Jeff over the years.

  12. Jeff McInnis has been traded to the Bobcats. You're an agent for change TJ.

  13. I'm sure he could do better than that.
