Thursday, February 10, 2005

Dragging the Discourse Down

It's not often that we shine Gheorghe's spotlight on the world of politics, mostly because our current national parties do a terrific job of making mockeries of themselves without our help. But I just couldn't let this one pass without comment. The truth is sooooo stranger than fiction. Let me see if I've got this right:

1. A "journalist" representing a small web-based news organization with unequivocal ties to conservative activist group GOPUSA is given a press pass to multiple White House media events, including a Presidential press conference;

2. Said "journalist" is called upon frequently by White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, and even once by President Bush, and responds by lobbing softball, partisan questions for the administration to crush into the cheap seats;

3. He received his press pass under a false identity, and...wait for it....;

4. ...despite numerous past anti-gay writings, turns out to be the proprietor of 3 different gay porn websites.

5. And, just for giggles, appears to have been given a classified memo that revealed the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame.

This crap just writes itself, doesn't it? So the White House finds itself in the difficult position of either a) admitting that it has a shitty background check process, which is scary as all hell, or b) revealing that it actively condoned this clever little scheme. Karl Rove, evil genius that he is, will figure out a way to pin it on Ray Felton - who nearly certainly is on the take.


  1. Felton and Rove are shaving points.

  2. There is really no denying that the Bush Administration has an ethically murky (at best) relationship with the conservative press. By my count, this is the third instance of some sort of journalistic impropriety that has come to light since election day. I actually find this one much less troubling than the previous two mini-scandals that involved the administration compensating columnists for public support of administration policy initiatives.

    Seriously, be afraid of Karl Rove. I looked into his eyes...he's pure evil. He will crush you.

    And I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Republican...

  3. Rob, just join the club. Come on. You're not a minority. You're not gay. You're not an insane dope smoking hippie that thinks corporations are evil. The Democrats don't want you.

    You have a family. You have a good job. It's the perfect time to make the jump.
