Thursday, September 02, 2004

Aloha Mr. Hand

Is it Sweeps week at Gheorghe? An obvious ratings bump has occurred with the cameos of the MLC crew, though with no readership whatsoever, they might as well be preaching to the matinee crowd of Catwoman. Mr. Met still takes umbrage with the Sports Guy, and Mr. Red Sox continues to walk the fine line of openly mocking the demise of the 2004 Yankees while not saying too much and thus contributing to the, shall we say, unluckiness of his favorite franchise over the last 86 years.

Of course I'm worried about the Yankees. Only an idiot (in this case we'll pick on Harold Reynolds) wouldn't be worried about a team who's ace is a 47 year old Cuban. The 2004 race is, amazingly, starting to shake out like the 2003 race.

Hands down, the best commercial on TV is the "Eye of the Tiger" Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso ad - "Glen...Glen, Glen, Glen..."

If we voted based on presidential genes, George W. would win in a landslide. The Kerry daughters actually look a little like Gheorghe Muresan. And Jenna Bush has that naughty look going for her (kinda like my girl Suzy Kolber). The preceding 3 sentences will undoubtedly have me in trouble with the BH - I'm not sure she's gotten over the Liz Phair comment from 2 months ago.

Seeing Rick "Wild Thing Vaughn" Ankiel in the Cardinals bullpen last night, I was racking my brain to think of the best September callups. Well, a real writer for did the work for me: Pitchers, and Hitters (what, no Shane "Last Call" Spencer on the list?).

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