Saturday, August 10, 2024

Opportunity Knocks

The weirdo right's penchant for bizarre and comedically questionable insults might be infuriating if it weren't so, well, laughably stupid. In cases like these, I find it best to fight fire with mockery. And in one specific instance, to fight dumbassery with an epic bit of comedy.

Team MAGA has taken to calling Minnesota Governor and Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz 'Tampon Tim' because he signed legislation requiring schools in the state to stock tampons in both girls' and boys' bathrooms. Didn't make anyone use them, mind you. Just made 'em available to young menstruating humans in need regardless of their gender identity. Probably not in particularly high demand in the boys' room, but maybe they served to let young fellas know that their sisters go through some shit on a regular basis.

Tampon Tim is of a piece with the unique comedic insult stylings of a party led by a guy who drops zingers like Little Marco, Crooked Joe, and Kamabla. The moniker deserves about as much note as those. 

But it does give us an opportunity to share one of the great bits of lunatic comedy from the legendary run of The Young Ones, which aired on the BBC from 1982-84. Do enjoy Rik's manic stylings here while you ponder how much coke Don Jr. would need to do to make this make sense.



Whitney said...

Love the Young Ones a ton. An easy binge of all 12 episodes and a nice break from reality out there. Watch the “Bambi” episode for a singular treat.

Whitney said...

Also, we need some MAGA style nicknames around GTB.

Whitney said...

Women’s 4x400 relay. Holy fucking shit. Our gals absolutely dusted everyone. By a country mile. Highly impressive.

rob said...

tokin' teej

Whitney said...

Good start

Whitney said...

As for men’s hoops, not a bad halftime result after being ice cold from 3 for a quarter and a half. Let’s go.

rob said...

steph just caused an international incident. that was sick.

Whitney said...

Astounding. Sacre bleu!

rootsminer said...

There are only 12 episodes of The Young Ones?

Whitney said...

That’s correct. 2 6-episode seasons. Blink and you miss it.

zman said...

We don’t care about the young folks.

rob said...

you guys think the youth find snoop corny or do they respect the hustle?

Marls said...

Probably a little bit of both, Rob. The US gymnasts seemed to think it was cool he was there for them but it seems that his shtick was wearing thin with some of the athletes and families.

Marls said...

These Ricky Bobby getups are terrible

Mark said...

My daughter starts middle school tomorrow at the same school I attended. That’s the day I met Greg. Not sure if I hope she meets her Greg or not.