Sunday, May 05, 2024


We love the weird, the whimsical, and the eccentric in these parts. That should come as no surprise. And we embrace the enthusiasts who share their particular interests and in so doing help us both expand our parameters and give us freedom to explore our own peculiarities. 

In the spirit of Gheorghiness, I give you today Francis Bourgeois (real name: Luke Nicolson). 

This cat loves trains. Like, really loves trains. He's built a social media following in the millions by sharing his genuine enthusiasm for engines and boxcars all over the United Kingdom. He gives British Bill Nye vibes - a goofy, nerdy and unquestionably enthusiastic joy. As an example, here's a bit of his patter from a profile in The Guardian, "“Oh my God… Holy shit!” he yells, arms akimbo. “Look down there, that’s really rare!” Beneath us, a train is trundling along the line. “Usually there are only two locomotives on that service. This time there are four. All in the same livery. It’s verging on impossible. Fuck!” He takes a moment to catch his breath."

The Guardian reporter started the profile a skeptic and was utterly convinced of Bourgeois' genuine emotional attachment to trains. For his unique and utterly total embrace of his own passion, we salute the young man.



  1. My stepfather was really into trains, apparently they're very popular among people on the autism spectrum. He took me trainspotting once and it isn't super interesting, but unlike birdwatching you're guaranteed to see what you're looking for if you hang out by a train track with a schedule.

  2. Forgot what it’s like to be bummed out by an NBA Playoff series loss. I guess that’s a good thing in the big picture.

  3. Big day around these parts

  4. Sorry, Mark. Thought they would pull it out today.

  5. All good. Disappointing but the future is bright. Plus, when you’ve seen Nick Anderson miss four straight free throws that would ice an NBA Finals game you’re broken as a fan for life.

  6. One of my daughter’s friends came over around 1. She’s still here. I don’t know the Dad and I’m certainly not kicking her out but this is a bit weird.

  7. Update: The Dad is hammered. Kid is sleeping over.

  8. that's top notch dadding, and on a school night

  9. I was invited to a meeting 20 days ago. Today I learned that the entirety of the meeting is supposed to be a presentation given by me. The meeting is tomorrow. And as I make my slides, I can't get anyone to answer my yes/no questions with a yes or a no.

    Someone say something funny here please.

  10. That's a fun way to start the week.

  11. It is. Fortunately I keep my feathers numbered for just such an emergency and I had some slides ready. I'm still scrambling to fill in some blanks (blankety-blanks?) that were just requested but I'm not as miserable as I could be.

  12. feel like there's an opportunity to go full belushi here. let it rip.

  13. z, might the material you didn't use during career day at zdaughter's school be a help?

    Maybe take a cue from Dr. Strangelove's war room presentation about nuclear destruction. Just enough reason and authority to mask the batshit insanity. German accent, too?

  14. geoff duncan, former lieutenant governor of georgia and life-long republican, said this today in an op-ed in the atlanta journal-constitution: "This November, I am voting for a decent person I disagree with on policy over a criminal defendant without a moral compass."

    we're short on moral compasses today in positions of leadership. here's to more of this. the entire piece is here:

  15. Geoff dunkin? I didn't know he was a leaper.

  16. There’s no one I’d rather have doing my team’s crunch time presentation slides than Zman.

    Those so and sos better show some gratitude. If they don’t, I’ll think less of them.

  17. trump mocked jon tester's weight at a mar-a-logo fundraiser recently. tester doesn't cut a svelte figure, but that's like the pumpkin calling the orange orange.

  18. As opposed to clementine?

  19. Minnesota looks better than Denver. And like they know it. I did not see that coming.

  20. Tester is a big boy.
    As is Lester.

  21. ben roethlisberger caught a stray during stormy daniels' testimony in the trump trial today. though, judging from the context and past reporting on his character, i don't feel compelled to feel sorry for him. seems like a swell guy and not at all a lecherous cad.

  22. the pacers were frisky against the knicks last night, too. and an okc/min western conference final is a very real possibility. all sorts of things are happening.

  23. Except for the Wizards ever being a title contender.

  24. Found out today I have to buy a new A/C. Yaaaaay home ownership. Trying to look at the bright side so I'll say that I'm glad that (a) it didn't shit the bed before we discovered this and (b) it lasted us 12 years, that's no small feat in Florida.

  25. As for Knicks-Pacers, NY absolutely cannot play at the Pacers pace like they did last night. They are nearly deep enough and that's the opposite of their recipe for victory.
