Sunday, April 07, 2024

Your Sunday Reflection

Gabor Maté is a Canadian physician of some renown. He's an expert in the psychological impacts of childhood trauma. He's got some words of wisdom for us on this serene Sunday morning. 


  1. Love it. This kind of thinking is itself a validation of the style of living I’ve maintained for a long time. Makes me feel better that I didn’t take a different road.

  2. as always, there's wisdom to be found in winnie the pooh

  3. I’m finding the new Vampire Weekend record is enjoyably listenable all the way through. Check it out. Best at high volumes or on headphones for the layers.

  4. Lady Gamecocks stunned early. Yikes.

  5. This game is enthralling. Good shit.

  6. I’m not sure if they go by Lady Cocks, but it’s good enough for me. Hell yes.

  7. Whit--I'm really enjoying the new Vampire Weekend album too. Alternated between that and Cowboy Carter all weekend. Had Vampire Weekend at a high volume in the car yesterday, bopping my head, getting funny looks at stoplights. Enjoying it as much as their debut album.

  8. calipari to arkansas? that's a wee seismic. thought it odd at first, but after some consideration, i think it makes sense for both the coach and kentucky. he gets to move to a job with less pressure and to build a program from a solid foundation, something he's proven to be good at doing. the wildcats get a fresh start at a time when things have seemed stale and cal's frosh-heavy approach hadn't been working.
